Relocation verbs: When to omit 去 and 来? I know how 去 and 来 functions to show the perspective of the speaker. But with verbs of relocation (NOT verbs of movement) their use is quite random. For example: In this sentence: 他把行李放进车里(去)。 去 is often omited. But on the contrary: 他把行李(从车里)拿出来。 来 seems to be necessary. Why? When 去 and 来 are really necessary? When is it possible to omit it and when don't? Thank you
2014年11月24日 10:26
回答 · 10
Actually, your two sentences are not the same in the structure, so they're not good examples. First of all, you need to know and i think you've learnt two words, 进去,出来。 I''ll do some changes in your sentence, to be 1、他把行李放进去/他把行李拿出来。 2、他把行李放进车里去/他从车里拿出行李来。 Now, these sentences are worth a comparison. The first pair, 进去 and 出来, these two words are not separated. They are combined to be one word, so no word is to omitted. The second pair,放进xx去 and 拿出xx来, these two phrases are common, and you 去 and 来 can be omitted. But the phrases with 去 and 来 contain the imperative meaning. For example, "Tom, take your sugar out!" ”Tom, 拿出糖来。"
Hello , Alberto. Sometimes you found with verbs of relocation , the usage of "去"and"来" is quite random. I suppose you are right . And first I want to answer your first question. In this sentence: 他把行李放进车里(去)。 去 is often omited. -------------Exactly. But on the contrary: 他把行李(从车里)拿出来。 来 seems to be necessary.-------------Exactly. However, when “去” is used as a verb in a sentence , its necessary and cant be omited. For example , 上个月,你去了中国吗?(Did you go to China last month? 去=go) when “去” is used as tone word , its not necessary and can be omited. For example , 你必须现在回家(去)!(You have to go back home right now ! 回=go back verb) Then , we rarely omit "来"in a sentence , because "来"always combine with another character to become a verb . For example , 回来,过来,走来,来自,来到,进来 when "来“is used in a sentence , it also frequently play a role as a verb in sentence , so cant be omited. For example, 我来了。 他来了。我们来了。
In most cases I don't think words like “来” or “去” could be omitted. The reason why 放进车里(去)could be omitted is because ‘放进“ has already have the meaning of put something into somewhere. Then by saying 放进车里,we had already know to put it into the car, the meaning has been clear transferred, the reason why we can also add 放进车里去 is just to make the sentence more complete.