¿Buenas canales de YouTube? Estoy buscando canales de YouTube para practicar mi español. Me gusta ver videos divertidos, pero no impropio (inappropriate). También me gustan videos educativos y interesantes. Aquí son unos de los canales en inglés que me gustan: Vlogbrothers Good Mythical Morning Blimey Cow Crash Course Mental Floss Ojalá este te diere un idea de lo que me gusta ver. ¡Gracias por tus sugerencias!
2014年11月25日 19:40
回答 · 11
I would see TED talks with Spanish subtitles :D
I definitely recommend this channels: I have to make clear , even though im mexican this Are spanish channels. hope you like them, greetings! ;)
I hope responding in English is ok. I live in Ecuador and follow quite a few channels. There are tons of things available if you target you search towards you interests. For example, someone just turned me on to Derren Brown (actor, mentalist, psychologist I´d guess I´d say) and I watch most of his videos dubbed in Spanish. I also watch a show called Solteros sin compromises that is produced in guayaquil and very Guayaco. From there, I watch as many interviews with the actors I llke, and links just keep popping up once you favorite a channel. Enchufetv has many short 4 to 5 minute comedy clips that aren´t too over the top so you can spend a lot of time there. Sorry I couldn´t have been more specific, didn´t recognize any of the titles you mentioned above except one. Good luck.
Yo veo vídeo "viaje al español" en youtube.
Camilo: Oops! ¡Gracias! Estefanía: Yep, basically. :)