Laura Bramucci
How to look for words in a Farsi dictionary/translator? When I look for words most of the time the online translators don't find anything. Does it work like arabic where I have to search for part of the word? For example I wanted to translate this title of a song: کجا گمت کردم. Could you show me how to do that? Many thanks.
2015年3月11日 20:04
回答 · 8
"kojaa" and other question words are easy to find. In Persian, pronouns are connected to other words (nouns, adjective, adverb,verb, object and subject). So, we must look for every word solely without connected pronoun. And about verbs, the infinitive should be searched. Moreover, note that some verbs are "compound verb" and it's necessary to know them and search their compound form infinitive. "gom kardan" for instance. About sentence "کجا گمت کردم", the following forms should be looked for: کجا---- کجا گمت کردم --- گم کردن
Another trick for using Google translate: Press enter after each word or phrase so that smaller sections are on each line. It is much more manageable. Not completely reliable but a good start. Then of course click on individual words to see alternate translations.
Google Translate won't usually give you an exact translation, but can often point you in the right direction. In this case it gives you "Where I lost you" which is pretty close to the correct translation of "Where did I lose you?". Clicking on the translated words one by one and reading the additional information, you can easily (hopefully!) find out that "کجا" means "where", "گم کردن" means "to lose", and "ـت" and "ـم" are probably enclitic pronouns! This will all become much easier of course once you become more familiar with the basic grammar. Here are two very good online resources you can start with: Good luck!
First of all you should know the part of speech. "ت" in گمت کردم is the object. it can be like this: تو را گم کردم now you can search for the words one by one: کجا ، تو ، گم کردن * "را" is the sign of object there's no need to search it.
koja gomet kardam: You can find "koja" at first. It means "Where". Then the verb "gomet kardam". But I think there is usually no result for "gomet kardam" and you have to look for the root of that verb "gom kardan". It means "To lose" So the sentence means "Where did I lose you?!"