Albert Uler
What language use in my notebook I am brazilian, I'm learning Arabic, and I want to write what I'm learning in my italki notebook. It would be more comfortable to write in Portuguese, but since I'm think those annotations are public to people comment and correct me, and I'm not sure there are much Brazilians learning Arabic, maybe it's would be more useful to write in English, even I not being fluent in that language too. What is better?
2015年4月13日 23:00
回答 · 8
If you want to be corrected, then it's better to write in Arabic and English. If you want to write a notebook to read it from time to time, and you're sure that what you wrote is correct (for example, someone corrected it for you in a message), then you can write in Portuguese. Anyway, many people here are not fluent in English (including me), so it's not a problem as long as we can understand each other.
So, do you something in Arabic or English?
I suggest you to write its in your language and translated in Arabic That way you can write wonderful things and also we can edit your Arabic Or try write in Arabic step by step But don't ever used English to make your Arabic better
Zakie, it's a good idea, but I don't know enough Arabic to write anything. My plan is write about Arabic for a while, in the notebook, then I'll start to participate of conversations in Arabic. ;)
it is better to write in Arabic :D