Wu Ting
How would you interpret this sentence? A young couple slid into the next table, inciting Tom to announce: “Hardware and headlights, call the nabs.” The fellow was an Adonis, more or less Tommy in a younger model. The girl wore a tennis dress and diamond bracelets. How would you interpret this sentence: Hardware and headlights, call the nabs? Thanks! And this excerpt is taken from The Lacuna by Kingsolver.
2015年5月24日 08:33
回答 · 4
i agree with Gary
Thank both of you!
That all makes sense. And according to one online dictionary, 'nabs' is outdated slang for police or detectives.
Hardware - perhaps since the man was well built, refers to his solid physique. Headlights can be slang for breasts. I've no idea what nabs are.