변역할때에서 질문 1) "한국인인 척 하는 외국인과 MC라니 걱정이네."에서 "한국인인"이 뭐예요? 2) "힘만 세가지곤!!" 뭘 뜻이에요? 3) 애교정도사의"가 뭘 뜻이에요? "오프님은 갓세븐 애교정도사의 웰컴 퍼포먼스"에서. 4) "계 탄 아가새는 알고 보니 남성팬 잭슨!"에서 "계 탄 아가새"가 뭘 뜻이에요? 5) "이런게 떡.계.못...?"이 뭘 뜻이에요? 6) "진심 x 무한대 고마워요!"가 뭘 뜻이에요? Thank you for your infinite sincerity? 미리 감사합니다!
2015年6月1日 20:37
回答 · 5
1) "한국인인 척 하는 외국인과 MC라니 걱정이네."에서 "한국인인"이 뭐예요? ~인 척 하는 means pretending to be something. So if you say 여자인 척 하는, it means pretending to be a girl. Since 한국인 means Korean, 한국인인 척 하는 means pretending to be Korean. 2) "힘만 세가지곤!!" 뭘 뜻이에요? All you can do is to use strength. Like physical strength. There's nothing else you can do other than that. It's a very common expression in Korea. In fact, it's used so often that people often say it without actually meaning it. 3) 애교정도사의"가 뭘 뜻이에요? "오프님은 갓세븐 애교정도사의 웰컴 퍼포먼스"에서. Do you think it was 애교전도사 instead? cuz 전도사 means missionary and it's often used together with other words. So 애교전도사 means that the person has so much 애교 himself or herself that he or she goes on to spread around 애교 everywhere. 4) "계 탄 아가새는 알고 보니 남성팬 잭슨!"에서 "계 탄 아가새"가 뭘 뜻이에요? Hmm... Might need to see the context 5) "이런게 떡.계.못...?"이 뭘 뜻이에요? No idea. 6) "진심 x 무한대 고마워요!"가 뭘 뜻이에요? Thank you for your infinite sincerity? Thank you infinitely and I really mean it.