Please spot any spelling or grammartical errors and unnatural expressions in the essay below Certain occupations are undervalued in society such as nurses, doctors and teachers despite the fact that they work incredibly hard. In contrast, other jobs such as film actors and Chief Executive Officers (CEO) are paid a large amount of money along with bonuses and perks. I agree that the gap in salaries between these professions is increasing gradually and thus I believe that there needs to be a system or criterion in place to ensure that the gap does widen disproportionately. Many people argue that nurses, doctors and teachers are underpaid compared to the work they put in their jobs. They are also undervalued in society in general despite the contributions they make to the society. It seems to be unfair when CEOs and film makers make a huge amount of money when their workloads are much lesser than the workloads of their afore-mentioned counterparts. However, it is important to be aware that salaries are not only determined by their workloads but also other factors.
2015年6月30日 00:55
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