Inna Kate
How to use который, которая, которые, которое Use in sentance?
2015年7月6日 23:50
回答 · 3
который (masculine), которая(feminine), которые(plural), которое(neutral) Машина (feminine), которая у входа. The car (which is) by the entrance. Девушка (feminine), которая задала вопрос. The girl that/who asked the question. Лось - животное (neutral), которое очень осторожное. A moose is a (type of) animal that is very cautious. .
Firstly, this demonstrative pronouns use for indicate one thing from some many. In engliush, article "the" and "that, this" pronouns usually take on this function in an affirmative sentence and "what/which/whom" in an interrogative sentence. Example: - Сегодня я был в обувном магазине. - Today i was in shoe store. - В котором? - In which? - Который на улице Ноградской. - That is on the Nogradskaya street. At second, you should distinguish pronouns "который" and "какой": the first indicate one thing from some many, the second describes some characteristic. Example: - Которые туфли? - Which shoes? - Третьи справа. - Third from the right. but - Какие туфли? - What shoes? - Кожаные, белые. - Leather white. Pronoun "который" changes like adjective by the number: singular, plural; by genders (in the singular): musculine, feminine, neutral; and by cases (as plural, as singular, in all genders). It give 3x5+1 (neutral gender changes by cases like musculine, but in nominative other ending, also there are 6 cases, but in accusative case ending like in nominative or genitive) = 16 forms of the pronoun. It should be noted: there is one quesion: "Который час?" that translates "What time is it?"/"What o'clock is it?", the answer doesn't contain the words "который" anyway.
который = he которая = she которые = they которое = it