I have a assignment about French:Please write down 20 words about doing housework(e.g. nettoyer ) I have a assignment about French:Please write down 20 words about doing housework(e.g. nettoyer )I have already found 13 en desordre ranger faire mon lit passer l'aspirateur etaler s'occuper de promener le chien balayer le plancher arroser le jardin mettre la table nettoyer le chiffon a poussiere se meler de
2015年8月29日 06:36
回答 · 2
Hi Joy ! Here are a few I can think of - tell me if you don't know the meaning of any of those and I'll explain it to you :) - passer la serpillère - faire le linge - sortir les poubelles - laver les fenêtres - nettoyer le four/le frigo/la cuisine/... - changer la litière du chat - récurer les toilettes - faire la vaisselle - étendre/sécher le linge (après l'avoir lavé) - ranger les tiroirs/la vaisselle/le salon/... - ... and that's all I have in mind right now haha :) Hope it'll help, and good luck in your studies!! :)