what does "smell like a roastin' ear. A roastin' ear in the sun"mean? "Hey, Ma, Flag'll soon be a yearlin'. Won't he be purty, Ma, with leetle ol' horns? Won't his horns be purty?" "He'd not look purty to me did he have a crown on. And angel's wings." He followed her to cajole her. She sat down to look over the dried cow-peas in the pan. He rubbed his nose over the down of her cheek. He liked the furry feel of it. "Ma, you smell like a roastin' ear. A roastin' ear in the sun." "Oh git along. I been mixin' cornbread."
2015年8月30日 01:46
回答 · 4
I've never seen this expression, but since the reply is "I been mixing cornbread" I would guess that he means an ear of corn.
I'm impressed by the fact that you are able to understand this dialectical English. Congratulations.