What does "tako" mean in Slovene? I'm listening to a late night radio show on Radio Celje, using (it's SNOP Many of the callers, as well as the radio show host, use the word "tako" frequently. I know that "tako tako" can mean "so-so", and "tóčno tako" means "exactly." Can "tako" be used as a filler word? Or is it for emphasis? How would you know when to use it? hvala :)
2015年9月23日 22:52
回答 · 5
Rough but closest English counter would be phrases: "like so" / "like that" / "in such way". In English those phrases express similar things. In Slovene we have one phrase that covers those called "tako": Točno tako = Exactly in such way Tako tako = Like so - like so , Such - such or in short so - so Tako je naredil igračo = He made toy in such way It can be word that doesn't add technical (it adds emotional) value to information, but it can also add a crucial information. But to easen things up: No it's not filter word. It has meaning. If not technical informational, it has emotional-informational. Additional example: Person1: Moj sin je uspešno opravil prvi razred. (My son successfully completed / passes first grade year) Person2: A tako? (meaning: "is that (that=event we are talking about) in such way? " or in short version: "is that so?". When used it like that it is commonly used as not needed rhetorical question used to show Person 1 that you do understand and you are interested in his sayings. )
in sskj (slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika) you find the meaning of slovenian words.