Alexander Fischer
Best way to learn a language online? I'm very, very interested in learning German and I think this site will prove to be useful. I'm pretty sure the best way to learn is to surround yourself with the language you want to learn but most of us don't have that opportunity. So what's the best way to learn online? Anyone that has gone through the whole process is more than welcome to answer.
2015年10月2日 17:59
回答 · 2
As far as I know, the Goethe Institut has a very good online course for beginners that they don't charge you for. Otherwise I totally agree with Anna, taking lessons is best at the beginning, for various reasons. Firstly, it seems a bit silly to be puzzling about rules with the help of books or grammar sites when you can have a good teacher explain the thing to you in a sentence or two AND practice it with you to make sure that you've understood everything. Secondly, if you have lessons scheduled, you need a lot less self-discipline ;) However, in my experience, online skype lessons are just as useful as RL classes - if not more so, because they are 1:1. All the best, Susanne
I am fairly fluent in English and are learning French at the moment so I thought I would share my experiences in learning a new language with you. I think that if you don't have the opportunity to actually live the country whose language you're learning it is best to take lessons after work at your local university for example once or twice a week so you get to know grammar and pronounciation and basically just get started. Once you have covered most of the grammar you can start trying to become fluent in speaking as well. Therefore I think this platform is super good. As for me I think speaking and listening are the hardest parts but this depends on where you are from and which language you are learning.