Lexie 렉시 재민
How would "No English Zone" or "No English Allowed" be translated? My roommate and I are trying to force ourselves to practice more speaking and want to essentially but a ban on the use of English a little at a time. We want to make a simple sign to that we can hang in a random room for a week at a time. That room, whenever we are in it, would be where we cannot speak English before completely banning it from the house. But every time I try to do a literal translation, it seems odd. How would this be translated to this context more naturally in Korean?
2015年10月2日 18:28
回答 · 3
No English Zone : 영어 금지 구역. (or 영어 불가 구역 [or 존], where 존 is "zone") No English Allowed: 영어 (사용) 금지. (or 영어 말하기 없기) "영어 사용 금지" sounds formal, whereas "영어 말하기 없기" is colloquial and personal. For example, if two boys are playing chess and talking about not allowing taking back a move, they would say "한번 두면 무르기 없기". Nice 한복, by the way :-)