“刘海儿”是什么? 我在一本书看到这句话: “拉文德以她那个年龄俩说,长得特别矮小,瘦骨嶙峋,有一双深褐色的眼睛,前面的黑头发剪刘海儿。” 把上面的聚则翻译成英文是: “拉文德, in comparison to others of her age, was particularly short and small, very skinny/emaciated, and the front of her hair was cut into (the style of)___”我觉得。 谢谢你的帮助。
2015年12月1日 01:58
回答 · 15
刘海 is the famous immortal's name, he is mentioned here:
刘海 is translated as 'fringe/bangs', 'the front part of sb's hair that is cut so that it hangs over their forehead'. The reason it is called '刘海' may come from a Taoist's name in ancient time.
1. Your translation is right. 2. it means bang on your forehead. Like, 她又瘦高又,刘海儿很长。 She is tall and thin, with her hair in long bangs,
Liuhair 刘海儿 is fringe/bang before your forehead. In Mandarin people pronounce this word with an -r sound at the end, though lots of southern people do not, in which dialects there is no -r sound therefore it's difficult for them to make the sound. The origin of this word is an old folk tale: a smart boy/young man called Liu Hai 刘海 fought and defeated the evil monkeys and their golden toad and form then on lived a peaceful and happy life(/ with his wife). There are some dramas in tradional Chinese operas, as 刘海砍樵 Liu Hai cuts firewood, 刘海戏金蟾 Liu Hai fools the Goden Toad.
刘海 means banged hair, named after a fairychild “刘海”.