Lola W
What does this mean? "The fashion industry had lost its old customer base -- the young who were receiving unsolicited credit cards with large borrowing balances in the mail." What does "receiving unsolicited credit cards with large borrowing balances in the mail" mean? Thank you.
2015年12月1日 06:16
回答 · 3
'unsolicited' means 'not asked for'. So - the credit card companies were sending these people credit cards in the mail. The customers had not asked for the credit cards. 'large borrowing balances' I assume means 'large credit limits'. That means that they could put a lot of purchases on the credit card.
Unsolicited means the customer never asked for it. A "large borrowing balance" is a strange way of referring to a generous line of credit. Before the last financial crisis, banks used to send credit cards to young college graduates who hadn't requested the cards, knowing that such graduates are a good credit risk. The young people tended to get a little carried away with spending. Banks discontinued the practice after they became more risk averse.