Pronunciation question "e" or "ye"? I recently started (actually restarted after a flase start a year ago) learning Romanian. I have had lessons with a few different teachers but I think they are contradicting each other. In words like eu and este, should the e sound sound more like the e in egg or the ye in yes? Does it depend, perhaps, on regional accents? Is it different in Moldova than in Romania?
2016年2月4日 11:28
回答 · 3
The two words are usually pronounced with "ye" : (i)eu , (i)este. It's a short "i" , just because it's easier to pronounce. The same happens with "el" (he) and "ea" (she) - pronounced (i)el and (i)a. ( "ea" is pronounced almost like "yeah" ) It is not a mistake to pronounce "e" like in egg , but it is a bit uncomfortable to pronounce and it sounds forced . However, i think that "eu, este, el, ea" are exceptions : most of the words that start with "e-" are pronounced with "e - egg" (element, electric , exemplu , exercițiu ....). So in short: pronounce "ye" for the short words , and "e - egg" for the long words.
It sounds like the Russian "е", so like the English "e" in "yes". It can vary in other words, like "element". People in Wallachia pronounce a clear "e", like the one in "egg", while those in Moldavia tend to use the "e" from "yes". But for "eu" and "este", I think everyone uses the "e" in "yes". Otherwise it would sound strange to me.
in words like eu or este , e sounds like the e from egg