Can aspirated consonants be compared to half-size "tsu" in Japanese? In trying to learn how to pronounce the different sounds of the Korean language, is it fair to say that aspirated consonants have the same affect as a half-sized "tsu" in Japanese? Ignoring whether you pronounce ㅃ as "p" or "b" sound, just for the sake of explanation, would 오빠 be pronounce more like "op pa" that "o pa?" Where a little bit of the sound of the aspirated consonant is added to the end of the first syllable and then as well at the start of the second? If you're confused about what I mean, send me a message before you answer my question as the person who starts a question can't respond to it!
2008年10月28日 01:33
回答 · 3
Note: [ɔ'bba], bba is an accent, & it sounds something like 「っ」「ッ」『促音(そくおん)』.
It would rather be "k,t,p" sounds in "sky,stop,sport". Since you are an american, probably could understand what I mean. If my english were better then I could have let you know more in detail. What a shame... :-(
But I cannot send a message to you :S Although it seems you could take unaspirated consonants(ㄲ, ㄸ, ㅃ, ㅆ, ㅉ) that way in that case you described, the difference between「っ」and those consonants does exist. 「っ」gets one beat, and the letter before「っ」is supposed to be pronounced with a strong accent. In Korean, "p" of "oppa" has no beat and 오빠 is pronounced "opPA".