Zoë Nguyen
「何」のぶんぽう (JLPT N5 practise exam) There is a question on a mock JLPT N5 exam that has me confused... The question is: たまごりのじょうずつくりかたを(     )読みました。 1.何に 2.何も 3.何かへ 4.何かで Could someone please explain to me the grammar of this?
2016年11月27日 11:19
回答 · 2
I think the answer is 「4.何かで」 I guess it goes like: たまご りょうり の じょうずな つくりかた を(何かで)読みました。 「何か」is "something" 「で」 is "by" So, it can be by a book or a magazine. The translation of the entire sentence'd be like, "I (did) read something how to cook eggs well." And it implies he/she doesn't remember what it was lol