How would you translate this.... Tu hijo mayor, sigue teniendo celos de su hermano? Cada vez menos. Quiere mucho a su hermano. Hay veces que le da tantos achuchones, que tenemos que estar muy pendientes. Martin ahora está un poco pesado, porque está en esa edad que pregunta todo el rato. I think it means - Your eldest son, is he still jealous of his brother? Each day he is a little less jealous. He loves his brother very much. There are times when he ??? and we have to be very ? Martin is now of the age where he can be irritating because he is asking questions all the time. I cannot work out the meaning of le da santos achuchones and muy pendientes. Any ideas please? Thanks for your help in advance. Helen
2016年12月7日 17:25
回答 · 6
Hello Helen I think your traslation was correct. About "acuchones" its in prural from "achuchar". According to RAE, "achuchar" mean: "6. tr. coloq. Esp. Dicho de una persona: Apretar a otra cariñosamente o con intención erótica." (Hug/embrace with or without sexual intention) This word might have different meaning in different countries, but according to the context this one would apply. About "pendientes" its in prural from "pendiente". And it mean to be aware/ to watch out. Regards PD: RAE (Real Academia Española)
Hello. "Santos achuchones" can refer to shoving or pushin a person in a somewhat aggressive way. "Muy pendientes" can be interpreted to be ever vigilant or alert.
Thank you all for your help. I appreciate it.
Dar un achuchón = give a squeeze. Es una expresión coloquial que quiere decir que alguien abraza, besa o aprieta entre los brazos a otra persona o cosa de una manera bastante descontrolada. Estar pendiente = To be watching. To be alert. Significa que hay que tener cuidado y vigilar algo.