Something in the future has already been fixed All of these three structures are used to say that something in the future HAS ALREADY BEEN FIXED OR DECIDED (by people and sometimes by nature): 1) Present Simple: 'The sun RISES at 6.18 tomorrow'. 'The train from Birmingham ARRIVES at 8.50'. 'On Tuesday next, the Prime Minister RETURNS to London'. 2) Future Progressive: 'Professor Galbraith WILL BE LECTURING on economics at the same time next week'. 'I'LL BE GOING past the shops this afternoon, shall I pick up your shopping for you?'. 3) To Be + Infinitive: 'The Queen IS TO VISIT France next year'. 'There IS TO BE a strike on March 26th'. Are there any differences between these structures, WHEN THEY HAVE THE MEANING STATED ABOVE? If yes, what are they?
2016年12月10日 18:41
回答 · 2
Yes, they have slightly different meanings. The first is pretty basic; it just gives the information. The second option focuses on the activity. It's especially useful when you want to say two things will happen at the same time. For example, "I'll be taking my test at that time tomorrow, so I can't come to the meeting." The third sounds very formal to native speakers and is used only for official notifications. It also implies that something is supposed to happen (but might not). Newspapers use it frequently because (1) it saves words and space, and (2) it distances the journalist from the event.