Hе notіcеd hеr at thе tram... Hе notіcеd hеr at thе tram stop. & Hе took notіcе of hеr at thе tram stop. What is the difference?
2017年1月18日 10:53
回答 · 2
In my understanding, the difference is such: To notice = you see something or someone. Nothing more. To take notice = to watch and observe someone or some action taking place. To make a mental note about something. "I noticed a seagull sitting on the wharf." "I took notice of the seagull sitting on the wharf. He seemed to be waiting for the fisherman to throw him some fish."
Take notice of = to pay attention to something > Please take notice of the warning sign > Please don't take notice of her - she always talks rubbish.