Be pushed forward by big companies, does it make sense? My sentence is: We seem to be pushed forward by big car and clothes companies to believe if we buy their products we will be like a movie or rock star. It is all about the use of "push forward' Thanks
2017年2月3日 12:34
回答 · 4
I would just say "we are being pushed by big companies" though I think your sentence is technically correct. For "pushed forward" you might say "there's been a big push forward in cancer research in the last few years" or "the government is pushing us forward towards a sustainable future" or something like that. I think "pushed forward" carries the implication that we are going towards something better.
Try rewording with 'persuade'.
It makes sense, but certainly not normal speach, I think the "forward" will have been droped into the sentence by some idiot copywriter.