A question about card games for English speakers :-) With playing card games, when it's somebody's turn to play their cards and they are not to follow (the suit), we Chinese people say: 不要(I do not follow).What do you say at this point?
2017年2月14日 17:59
回答 · 7
I think it may matter which card game you're playing. In the games that I play, you have to follow suit if you are able to do so. Otherwise, you are breaking the rules. So, I wouldn't expect the person to say anything. I would simply expect her to play her card. (In fact, in some games I play, talking about the game (called "talking across the table") while you're playing is against the rules. So the player *couldn't* say anything about the card she played.) If I suspected they were or making a mistake (or cheating), I would tell her "you need to follow suit if you can." (or, in the case of some people I play with, "quit trying to cheat and play the diamond I know you're holding.")
I think the word is "pass". Better to get a clarification from a second person though, because I'm not a regular card player.
You'd remind them of the rule by pointing out, "you didn't follow suit."
Thank you. Maybe I have give an unclear or enven wrong expression. I meant that they do not follow (either because of not having the right cards or just not wanting to follow so as to use the cards at a more advantageous time --- maybe in the latter case it is not actual following suit?------- so what is its name?).
Can you clarify a little bit? Is it that they are not to follow because of the rules, or because they don't have the right cards to play?