Joao Marcos Lima
I really need to practice my English, does anyone can help me ? I really need practice my English. Can anyone help me ?
2017年12月3日 20:43
回答 · 9
Well first off, the correct way to ask that is "Can anyone help me?". Second, the best way to learn any language is to just practice it in every way you would use your native language. Speak to native English speakers, read English books and watch English TV and movies.
That is a bad advice... You can't practice a new language as you would use your own language. The grammar is not the same and you will develop a bad habit of thinking in your language instead of thinking in the language you are learning.
That is a bad advice... You can't practice a new language as you would use your own language. The grammar is not the same and you will develop a bad habit of thinking in your language instead of thinking in the language you are learning.
That is a bad advice... You can't practice a new language as you would use your own language. The grammar is not the same and you will develop a bad habit of thinking in your language instead of thinking in the language you are learning.
jeezus=×=$ xD. stupid app. Why did it write so many times.