Creature from Mars
What ... like Hi! Q1: Could you please explain, which name of the topic sounds more natural (it's a small topic for kids, grade 1-2) and how about the topic itself (see below): 1. What do I like? /note: it's the name of the topic/ I like apples, bananas. I also like cats and dogs. I like reading and dancing, too. 2. What I like? /note: it's the name of the topic/ I like apples, bananas. I also like cats and dogs. I like reading and dancing, too. Q2: Which one is better: A. Apples is what I like best. B. Apples are what I like best. Thanks! :)
2018年11月15日 06:11
回答 · 4
Q1 do is used for emphasis. What do I like. This is more natural. Q2, "Apples" are plural - there is more than one apple, so you use "are" and not "is". Apples are what I like the best. That is how we do it on Earth. Creatures from Mars can learn how we do it too. )))