David Evans
New version of verbs? In my textbook new verbs have been introduced, for example: Охранять. Запрещать. But in the text they have a different form I can’t explain and isn’t explained in the book. Here are the examples: „...запрещающие использование женщин на вредных предприятиях.“ „охраняющие женский труд“ So in English like ‚the banNING‘ of or ‚the protectING of‘? Is there a pattern for how to make these words? Thanks.
2019年10月16日 17:15
回答 · 9
These are called active present participles. They can work as alternatives for "who was", acting as a kind of adjective to describe what the subject is doing. So, Мальчик, читающий книгу is equivalent to Мальчик, который читает книгу. It's formed like this: 1. Take the imperfective form of the verb (читать, смотреть) 2. Conjugate into the 3rd person plural (читают, смотрят) 3. Remove the final т (читаю, смотря) 4. Add the ending -щий. This then declines like an adjective, so you can have читающий, смотрящая, etc. 5. If it's a reflexive verb (such as находится), the reflexive suffix (-ся) is "re-attached" after the participle suffix. So we have находящийся, находящаяся. I hope this helped! Удачи!
Это причастие (participle). Запрещающий = тот, который запрещает. Охраняющий = тот, который охраняет. Usually are made from verb changing -ть for -ющий (masculine), -ющая (feminine) or -ющее (neuter). But there are a lot of exceptions. It declines as an adjective. I.e. there had to be a noun identifying it.