How many meaning of "eyvallah" we can find in english? eyvallah has a wide range of usage almost in every answer it can be used...
2010年5月23日 09:12
回答 · 3
I have asked my friend about this word before , He also said it means thanks or appreciation . But when I used Eyvallah on a chat with a turkish friend , she said I used it wrong ... I am still confusing about it , too ... :) I found it some english meanings of Eyvallah in a dictionary : eyvallah Thanks!/Thanks a lot! eyvallah good-by eyvallah so be it eyvallah (informal) thanks eyvallah bye Eyvallah ta eyvallah okay! eyvallah thanks! eyvallah all right! eyvallah Good-bye! eyvallah Thanks!, Ta!, Cheers!; Good-bye!, Cheers!, Cheerio; Okay!, All right! eyvallah cheerio eyvallah So be it./If you say so
sometimes thank you usually i'm going means like that.
you are welcome, thank you, Turkish people sometimes say instead of all right or of course