What's the difference between "accept" and "receive"? Thanks for your time!
2010年5月28日 13:13
回答 · 6
Hi Anna: It actually depends on the context, but, as I feel it, the main difference between them is that when you ACCEPT something it means that you receive something with a pleasure, or at least you are satisfied with what you get :-) When you RECEIVE something it does not necessarily means that you accept it. Well, I can say I've received your letter but I do not accept what you are saying, i.e. I am not satisfied with it. It is the only example that comes to my mind at the moment. I'm sure other members here will have something to complement the above. To sum up, they both have the sense of 'taking to yourself', putting it very simply: 'ACCEPT' has the sense of agreeing to something. If you are sent an estimate from a builder to do a job and you agree to the price, you would say: I accept your estimate. You can also accept someone's apology if they say they are sorry. You can accept a situation, which means you take it as it is without complaining. 'RECEIVE' has very much the idea of 'get'. You receive letters through the post/You receive payment for a piece of work. It is also used in a formal sense and usually in the passive to mean 'welcome'. He was received by the President at a formal dinner party. Look at the following sample sentences: Charlie received first prize in the essay writing competition. I received this letter of apology from the bank I think it's far too early in the morning to receive visitors We received a complaint this morning from one of our customers. I accept entirely what you said and understand the situation. They accepted our gratitude and wished us every success. I have decided to accept your invitation and will arrive this evening. She accepted the post of manager after the interview. Hope this help and let me know if you need any further clarification. Duo baozhong, Bro
I received your party invitation card. = I got your party invitation card. I accept your invitation to your party. = I will go to your party.
AND RECEIVE MEANS:-1. vti get something: to take or accept something given 2. accept electronic signals: to pick up electronic signals and convert them into sound or pictures 3. take delivery of message: to take delivery of a message such as a letter or telephone call 4. learn information: to learn of something such as news or information 5. meet with something: to meet with or experience something We received a warm reception from the crowd. 6. acquire something: to come to have something, e.g. through effort the medical training students receive 7. react to something: to react to something in a particular way The proposals were not well received by the members. 8. be hurt by something: to be subjected to something such as an injury, blow, or pressure She received the full force of the blow on her face. 9. catch ball: to catch, hit, or kick a ball played by an opponent 10. entertain visitors: to be free to see or admit visitors Find out the hours during which patients can receive visitors. 11. catch something: to hold or take something The larger tank receives the overflow from the drainage system. 12. bear something: to bear or sustain something such as a burden The bridge is reinforced to receive the weight of heavy traffic. 13. greet guests: to greet and admit guests We were received by the duke himself. 14. hear and acknowledge something: to hear and acknowledge something formally The priest received her confession.
ACCEPT MEANS:- (1).take something offered or (2.) say yes to invitation: to reply in the affirmative to an invitation or offer 3. come to terms with something: to acknowledge a fact or truth and come to terms with it 4. endure situation: to tolerate something without protesting or attempting to change it 5. believe something: to acknowledge that something is true 6. commercial law agree to terms: to indicate formal agreement to the terms and conditions in a contract 7. take blame for something: to admit the blame or responsibility for something 8. take on duty: to agree to take on a duty, responsibility, or position 9. process something: to be able to process something or be operated by something old machines that won't accept the new cards 10. allow somebody to join: to allow somebody to join an organization or attend an institution 11. be welcoming to somebody: to treat somebody as a member of a group or social circle 12. receive for review: to receive something such as a report for official action or review
"Accept" is you're getting something and taking it. "Recieve" is you're being given something or someone's giving it to you. Recieve is the action accept is the responce. Accept can also mean "agreeing" to something.