Describe a time you were very busy - IELTS speaking part 2
Describe a time you were very busy - IELTS speaking part 2
Describe a time you were very busy. You should say: When it was. Why you were so busy. How you managed it. And explain how you felt about being so busy. “ One of the busiest times I experienced was about 3 months ago, when I had to finish a very important and difficult assignment in order to graduate in my major, business management. I had only 2 weeks to complete this paper, and if I didn't meet the deadline, I would automatically fail my finals, as well as being unable to graduate, so it was of great importance to me. I also had a part-time job at this time, which took up a lot of my time and didn’t actually leave much time to complete my paper. The assignment was also very challenging, certainly no walk in the park and I needed to do a lot of research as well as collect a lot of data before I could even start to brainstorm ideas on how I would complete it. This meant I had to burn the midnight oil, and pull a few all nighters to be certain of having it finished to meet the deadline. Although I didn’t exactly enjoy being so busy and under so much pressure, I felt very proud and satisfied to have completed the assignment after working all the hours god sent me. I was on cloud nine when I received my grade and discovered I got a straight A for the paper, and could now look forward to graduating. Thank you…”
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IELTS 85 Speaking