4322 يشاركون
Please read the assigned article and answer the corresponding questions based on your comprehension under the post.
Diferencias entre (A ver vs Haber) 🤓 Prueba tu nivel de español con el siguiente cuestionario.🇪🇸🇱🇹⬇️ A ver: ➡️ Expresa, en general, expectación o interés por mirar algo, también para reprender a alguien por una acción o para considerar una decisión. Haber: ➡️Habla de la existencia de algo en algún lugar. Differences between (A ver vs Haber) Test your Spanish level with the following quiz.🇪🇸🇱🇹⬇️ A ver: ➡️Expresses, in general, expectation or interest in looking at something, also to reprimand someone for an action or to consider a decision. Haber: ➡️Speaks of the existence of something somewhere.
En la heladería del centro ya no va a ______ más promociones este mes. Vamos _______ si en la heladeria de la esquina hay promociones. 🍨🍧🍦
A ver - Haber
Haber - A ver
Haber - Haber
A ver - A ver
5 أجروا الاختبار
٤ سبتمبر ٢٠٢٤ ١٦:٠٣
"TAI PAN" BY JAMES CLAVELL This novel opens the history of Hong Kong, but, of course, from author’s view and his adaptation. 6 months 1841. The first opium war. Chine try to ban Great Britain’s trades of opium. After conclusion of a peace treaty, Great Britain get an empty island – Hong Kong. And start to build there. Traders are the most interested in this event. Main character the trader (in Chinese is tai pan) Dirk Struan knows a lot about China and its culture. This knowledge helps him to solve many problems and make good deals. I really admire the author’s attention to Asian lives and recommend this book for historical fiction lovers. You can read more my review of this book in Russian here – https://www.livelib.ru/review/4437647-tajpan-dzhejms-klavell 9/10
٤ سبتمبر ٢٠٢٤ ١٦:٣٧
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