In my family we're five: Mom, Dad and three sons. Mom and Dad got to know each other because one of my mother's brothers was a great friend of my father, so dad was used to spending a lot of time at my mom's house... well, I should say that my mom has nine siblings, so a lot of people was used to spending some time there... A LOT! Anyhow, they fall in love, even if they had a big age difference, since my mother was fourteen and my father was twenty-three (I always think about how lucky I am that this happened in the 70's, nowadays it would be almost impossible for a man of 23 to have a relationship with a kid almost ten years younger!), and six years later they got married! They had their first born almost immediately, and after four years they had another son. I'm quite sure that after two boys my dad was hoping to have a girl, but unfortunately for him, after other four years, another boy was born, and that was me! We were born exactly every four year and a month! If I had to summarize our characteristics I would say that the first is the intelligent and talented one, the second is the good and kind one, and I've always seen myself as the helpful and working one! Not so much time after I was born my dad got sick, and by the time I was three he passed away. I don't keep memories of him, unluckily, I was too young, but being such a little child helped me to normalize the fact that I grew up without him, and thanks to my faith I've never imagined him as distant or absent: if you scroll up, you will see that my first sentence was that in my family we're five... not were, are! Thank God I have an amazing mother who had to raise three boys by herself, and even if I could be biased, I'd say she made an excellent job! I grew up with her, and being the little one I had the possibility to live alone with her for four years, after my brothers left home: that's probably the reason why I'm the most similar to her, for so many aspects I inherited her character!
5. März 2021 22:34
Korrekturen · 12
In my family there are five: Mom, Dad and three sons. Mom and Dad got to know each other because one of my mother's brothers was a great friend of my father, so dad was used to spending a lot of time at my mom's house... well, I should say that my mom has nine siblings, so a lot of people were used to spending some time there... A LOT! Anyhow, they fell in love, even if they had a big age difference, since my mother was fourteen and my father was twenty-three (I always think about how lucky I am that this happened in the 70's, nowadays it would be almost impossible for a man of 23 to have a relationship with a kid almost ten years younger!), and six years later they got married! They had their first born almost immediately, and after four years they had another son. I'm quite sure that after two boys my dad was hoping to have a girl, but unfortunately for him, after another four years, another boy was born, and that was me! We were born exactly every four years and a month! If I had to summarize our characteristics I would say that the first is the intelligent and talented one, the second is the good and kind one, and I've always seen myself as the helpful and working one! Soon after I was born my dad got sick, and by the time I was three he passed away. I don't have memories of him, unfortunately, I was too young, but being such a little child helped me to accept the fact that I grew up without him, and thanks to my faith I've never imagined him as distant or absent: if you scroll up, you will see that my first sentence was that in my family we are five... not were, are! Thank God I have an amazing mother who was able to raise three boys by herself, and even if I am biased, I'd say she did an excellent job! I grew up with her, and being the little one I had the opportunity to live alone with her for four years, after my brothers left home: that's probably the reason why I'm the most similar to her, for in so many aspects I inherited her character!
5. März 2021
There are five of us in our family: Mom, Dad and three sons. Mom and Dad got to know each other because one of my mother's brothers was a great friend of my father, so dad was used to spending a lot of time at my mom's house... well, I should say that my mom has nine siblings, so a lot of people were used to spending some time there... A LOT! Anyhow, they fell in love, even if there was a big age difference, since my mother was fourteen and my father was twenty-three (I always think about how lucky I am that this happened in the 70's, nowadays it would be almost impossible for a man of 23 to have a relationship with a kid almost ten years younger!), and six years later they got married! They had their first born almost immediately, and after four years they had another son. I'm quite sure that after two boys my dad was hoping to have a girl, but unfortunately for him, after another four years, another boy was born, and that was me! We were born exactly every four years and a month! If I had to summarize our characteristics I would say that the first son is intelligent and talented, the second is the good and kind one, and I've always seen myself as the helpful and working one! Not long after I was born my dad got sick, and by the time I was three he passed away. I don't have memories of him, unfortunately, I was too young, but being such a little child helped me to normalize the fact that I grew up without him, and thanks to my faith I've never imagined him as distant or absent: if you scroll up, you will see that my first sentence was that in my family there are five... not were, are! Thank God I have an amazing mother who had to raise three boys by herself, and even if I could be biased, I'd say she did an excellent job! I grew up with her, and being the little one I had the possibility to live alone with her for four years, after my brothers left home: that's probably the reason why I'm the most similar to her, for so many aspects I inherited her character!
9. März 2021
In my family we're five: Mom, Dad and three sons. Mom and Dad got to know each other because one of my mother's brothers was a great friend of my father, so dad was used to spending a lot of time at my mom's house... well, I should say that my mom has nine siblings, so a lot of people was used to spending some time there... A LOT! Anyhow, they fall in love, even if they had a big age difference, since my mother was fourteen and my father was twenty-three (I always think about how lucky I am that this happened in the 70's, nowadays it would be almost impossible for a man of 23 to have a relationship with a kid almost ten years younger!), and six years later they got married! They had their first born almost immediately, and after four years they had another son. I'm quite sure that after two boys my dad was hoping to have a girl, but unfortunately for him, after other four years, another boy was born, and that was me! We were born exactly every four year and a month! If I had to summarize our characteristics I would say that the first is the intelligent and talented one, the second is the good and kind one, and I've always seen myself as the helpful and working one! Not so much time after I was born my dad got sick, and by the time I was three he passed away. I don't keep memories of him, unluckily, I was too young, but being such a little child helped me to normalize the fact that I grew up without him, and thanks to my faith I've never imagined him as distant or absent: if you scroll up, you will see that my first sentence was that in my family we're five... not were, are! Thank God I have an amazing mother who had to raise three boys by herself, and even if I could be biased, I'd say she made an excellent job! I grew up with her, and being the little one I had the possibility to live alone with her for four years, after my brothers left home: that's probably the reason why I'm the most similar to her, for so many aspects I inherited her character!
"I've always seen myself as the helpful and working one" industrious one?
5. März 2021
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