Lucky Yancy
How do I spend my New Year's Eve Today is Chinese New Year's Eve! 今天是中国的除夕夜。 jīn tiān shì zhōng guó de chú xī yè . I will have New Year's Eve dinner with my family in the evening. 晚上,我和我的家人会一起吃年夜饭。 wǎn shàng , wǒ hé wǒ de jiā rén huì yì qǐ chī nián yè fàn . After the great dinner, families sit together and chat happily to wait for the New Year’s arrival. 年夜饭后,家人聚坐一起,愉快聊天,等待春节的到来。 nián yè fàn hòu , jiā rén jù zuò yì qǐ , yú kuài liáo tiān , děng dài chūn jié de dào lái . When it is close on midnight,I will pay New Year's greetings to my parents and they will give me lucky money in read envelops. 快到午夜的时候,我会给父母拜年。他们会一人给我一份压岁钱。😉 kuài dào wǔ yè de shí hòu , wǒ huì gěi fù mǔ bài nián . tā men huì yī rén gěi wǒ yī fèn yā suì qián . Then I will go to bed. 然后我会去睡觉。 rán hòu wǒ huì qù shuì jiào . I will put my lucky money under my pillow before going to bed. 睡觉前我还要把我的压岁钱放在我的枕头底下。 shuì jiào qián wǒ hái yào bǎ wǒ de yā suì qián fàng zài wǒ de zhěn tou dǐ xià . This custom implies that parents hope their children  will have everlasting peace year after year. 这一习俗寓意着父母希望他们的子女能够岁岁平安。 zhè yī xí sú yù yì zhe fù mǔ xī wàng tā men de zǐ nǚ néng gòu suì suì píng ān .
21. Jan. 2023 03:09