EnRico Melson
Hello all! I'm Rico! I am a language enthusiast, studying linguistic anthropology at University of California, Los Angeles. I am looking for a language exchange partner who speaks Spanish and or Japanese. I am happy to share my knowledge as a native speaker of English and my experience as a learner of Japanese and Spanish! Don't be shy, reach out! Look forward to connecting soon!
20 de may. de 2024 20:34
Respuestas · 2
Hi Enrico, I am also a native spanish speaker, but I need a japanese partner to practice, so if you want to practice anytime, please send a message
25 de may. de 2024 18:11
Hi Enrico, How is It going I am native Spanish speaker, I am willing to help you with your Spanish Do not hesitase to send a message and we can speak a while. Take care
21 de may. de 2024 20:25
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