Common Expressions you didn't know (with words you already know!): GO
Common Expressions you didn't know (with words you already know!): GO
16 mag 2024 23:03
If you want to sound natural in English, you need to know the other meanings of common words. Today, we’re talking about the word “go.” You might think it is easy and simple, but it’s actually more complicated than it seems. “Go” is used with sound, music, and poetry. Let’s look at some examples. Example 1: Do you know the song that goes (hum the great pretender)? Example 2: Yeah, the lyrics to that song go “Oh yes, I’m the great pretender…” But I can’t remember the rest of the words. Example 3: There’s a famous American poem that goes “Two roads diverged in yellow wood, and sorry I could not travel both and be one traveller long I stood…” We also use “go” for idioms, in the same way. How does that idiom go that starts “The grass is always greener…”? Example 4: The truck reversed and went BEEP BEEP BEEP. It hit a window, which went CRASH. Example 5: Cats go meow, dogs go woof, birds go tweet, and cows go moo. Example 6: I was talking to the cashier at the store, when the lady waiting in the queue behind me went, “Hey, chat later, pay now. I’ve been waiting and waiting!” Subscribe for more! Thanks for listening!
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