How to stay mindful and positive during the lockdown
Structure your day
As you don't need to commute like in normal times, you can maybe get up a little bit later and more relaxed but don't start to sleep in on a daily basis. Get up at a fixed time and give your day structure. Your schedule can be more loose and relaxed but you should still set certain times for work/study and also for taking breaks/working out/socialising (online)/eating, otherwise the days just become a big blurr and when the lockdown is over, it'll be hard to get back to your normal rhythm. As the current situation is challenging for everyone it is really important to not forget self-care, so don't get just lost in work or study but set aside time for those little breaks that make you happy, like drinking a cup of tea, doing some breathing exercise on the balcony while enjoying the sun, listening to your favourite music.

Journaling and writing things down can be very helpful to give yourself structure but also focus on positive thoughts. You could write
<ul><li>a to-do-list: On Sunday you can plan the day and set aside certain activities you want to do on certain days. Being able to cross off things from that list, will give you a feeling of achievement. Tomorrow is Sunday, how about planning ahead the upcoming week? As you might have some spare time compared to your normal busy life style, you could also finally things done, that you usually put off, like decluttering your basement, painting your garden fence, making an album with your favourite holiday pictures etc. More on to-do-lists: <a href="https://www.lifehack.org/articles/productivity/why-to-do-lists-dont-work-and-done-lists-do.html" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">https://www.lifehack.org/articles/productivity/why-to-do-lists-dont-work-and-done-lists-do.html</a>.</li><li>a done list: Often we think at the end of the day, that we didn't get anything done, even though we were running around busily. See this funny video by Kristina Kuzmic that proves that we get done a lot, even if we think we don't: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vdO6UazEus" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vdO6UazEus</a>;. When you write down every little thing you've actually done, you'll see that you actually achieved a lot. More on done lists: <a href="https://pageflutter.com/journal-done-list/" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">https://pageflutter.com/journal-done-list/</a>.</li><li>a worry list: Especially in these times, when we worry about many things, the negative thoughts can be overwhelming. Write everything down that you worry about, then put the list away and set a time for worrying about these things. It sounds a bit weird at first but it's similar like a to-do-list. Instead of having to constantly think about the things you have to do, you free your mind by writing them down. The same goes for the worry list. More on worry listes: <a href="https://blogs.psychcentral.com/embracing-balance/2015/05/the-worry-list/" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">https://blogs.psychcentral.com/embracing-balance/2015/05/the-worry-list/</a>;, <a href="https://medium.com/the-ascent/why-you-need-a-worry-list-f94f4eb44aa" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">https://medium.com/the-ascent/why-you-need-a-worry-list-f94f4eb44aa</a>.</li><li>a diary/journal and hey, how about doing it in your target language? After all this is a language learning community. You can write down your thoughts,things you did during your day or something you find interesting and post it here and receive corrections and also maybe meet like-minded people via this way. I found some language exchange partners via correcting each other's notebooks.</li></ul>

Practice gratitude
Often we only focus on the negative things in life and take the good things for granted. All italki users already have many things to be grateful for: we all have access to clean water, food, the internet, education (we can all read and write and in most cases learn at least one foreign language), we have a roof over our heads. That's more than many people in the world can say of their own situation. Being grateful for what you have will enforce positive thoughts and help you to feel happy. I'm grateful that my family and I can be together in this difficult time, we have enough food (without panic buying), we are still healthy, we can do meaningful things together, our house is now our safe haven. Ways to practise gratitude are:
<ul><li>start the day with thinking about the things you are looking forward to: maybe you have a language class or a language exchange session scheduled, or you have something nice to cook or bake planned, maybe the newest episode of your favourite series is released today.</li><li>finish the day with thinking about/writing down 1-3 things you're grateful for. It can be little things: a call by a friend, spring weather and birds chirping in front of your window or that your loved one are still healthy and safe</li></ul>

Keep moving
Don't stay in bed or on your couch all day but try to keep moving. There are many apps and videos that show easy work-outs that can be done at home. A French guy even ran a marathon on his balcony: <a href="https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/21/man-runs-marathon-on-7-metre-balcony-during-french-lockdown" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/21/man-runs-marathon-on-7-metre-balcony-during-french-lockdown</a>;. You can practise yoga or just simply dance to your favourite music.

What are your tips to stay mindful and positive during lockdown, quarantine and social distancing?
21 mar 2020 19:49
Komentarze · 24
I love your posts, you’re amazing 💎
21 marca 2020
I hit the character limit, otherwise I would have written more. Here are some other discussions about how stay positive.
What do people do to fight against the COVID-19 by Olivia: <a href="https://www.italki.com/discussion/230483" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">https://www.italki.com/discussion/230483</a>;
Positive Thoughts... Better Outcomes... by Richard: <a href="https://www.italki.com/discussion/230403" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">https://www.italki.com/discussion/230403</a>;
How will you stay happy while practicing social distancing to prevent coronavirus spread? by Eliza: <a href="https://www.italki.com/discussion/229973" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">https://www.italki.com/discussion/229973</a>;
20th of March is International Day of Happiness by me: <a href="https://www.italki.com/discussion/230426" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">https://www.italki.com/discussion/230426</a>;

21 marca 2020
Not to watch News all day long. It is enough to check it out once by the end of the day. I would also move evening News forward in time to prevent children from watching them.
I wish they showed more positive information in News like for example stories of those who have recovered from Corona , not only how many have got infected and died.
21 marca 2020
Here are two poems. The first was written about my stepfather while the second was written about my father. The second one is was started me on concentrating on poetry.

A Face Formed From His Tears

He sat there weeping, and slowly it formed.
I could only see his face as it finally forged.
He just heard the news of his friend’s death,
And didn’t know just what to do. 
His breath turned shallow upon the news. 
Why him? He was too young to now be gone. 
His head hit his knee as his eyes shined with red.  
Only a few months separated  them. 
Now death would surely hunt him.  
He was a good man, so why did Death come?
He had a family; how could Death be so dumb?
Death is so stupid; doesn’t it know the pain it caused? 
Why did it cause the life to wane?
Does it not see the love that is still there?
Bring him back, go fetch him now. To your lair go,
And with him come back. Only then will I listen to you more. 
Heed my call. 

I simply want the face I knew and loved,
Not the pained one, mourning for his beloved.


Letting you go is hard to do.
I’ve known you so long. Can I give you up?
I don’t know. You mean so much to me.
Inside, I feel pain, sharp pain;
Hurt cries out, but only on the inside.
I want you here to stay with me.
Why does it have to hurt?
It’s been said, “Parting is such sweet sorrow.”
But no, no I say. Parting is just plain sorrow.
Many diff’rent songs come to mind as I see you ready to leave.
I must live my life, you must live your life.
Why though? I’ve had you all my life.
How can I live without you here?
You must go; I know that.
It still hurts much. I can’t deny.
If I did it would be a lie.
That would not stop the pain I feel.
I do not want you gone, but I know my wants aren’t your needs.
I must agree with Boys II Men when they say,
“It’s so hard to say goodbye to yesterday.”
It is.

22 marca 2020
21 marca 2020
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