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In this episode we will talk about 【Schools in China】, you will learn how to say 【cultivate,subject,communicate】 ect. ------------------------------------------------ It is recommended that you study in the following ways: Step 1: Gist listening. Listen to get the main idea. (more times if necessary) Step 2: Check the script and learn new words. Step 3: Listen and imitate as much as you can then retell the story. Step 4: Write down what you hear if you want to practise writing. -------------------------------------------------- 大家好,我是Yuli。欢迎收听我的播客。 上个星期给大家介绍了中国的教育制度,包括有什么学校、重要的考试和每个学期的时间等等。今天再给大家介绍下在学校里我们学习什么。 幼儿园的孩子主要通过故事、儿歌、游戏等形式,培养听、说、读、写能力,提高他们的语言表达和沟通能力。他们也会学一些简单的数学、科学知识。中国小学一年级到六年级的科目包括语文、数学、英语、科学、社会与生活、美术、音乐、体育与健康、信息技术等。英语课一般是三年级开始,不过越来越多的孩子很小就开始学英语。小学一天大概有6节课,每个学校不太一样。 初中要学习的科目包括语文、数学、英语、政治、历史、生物、地理、物理、化学、体育、音乐和美术。 物理一般是从初中二年级开始学的,化学一般是从初中三年级开始学的。高中的科目和初中差不多,但高中的知识量比初中的大很多。 大学专业非常多,高考成绩出来后可以根据你的分数选择大学和专业。受欢迎的热门专业一直在变化,2024年高考热门理科专业有:电气工程及其自动化、电子信息工程等;热门文科专业有:工商管理、会计学、法学等。 除了普通学校,也有一些家长选择让孩子读国际学校。国际学校的学生英语能力更强,发展也更全面。很多国际学校的学生不参加高考,直接申请国外的大学。当然,国际学校学费也是很贵的,普通家庭的孩子很难去上这样的学校。 在你的国家最热门的专业是什么呢?留言告诉我吧。我们下期见。 ------------------------------------------------ 教育制度 /jiào yù zhì dù/Education system 培养/péi yǎng/Cultivate 沟通/gōu tōng/Communication 科学/kē xué/Science 科目/kē mù/Subjects 社会/shè huì/Society 美术/měi shù/Arts 信息技术/xìn xī jì shù/Information Technology 政治/zhèng zhì/Politics 生物/shēng wù/Biology 地理/dì lǐ/Geography 物理/wù lǐ/Physics 化学/huà xué/Chemistry 热门/rè mén/Popular 理科/lǐ kē/Science specialty 电气工程/diàn qì gōng chéng/Electrical Engineering 自动化/zì dòng huà/Automation 电子信息工程/diàn zǐ xìn xī gōng chéng/Electronic Information Engineering 文科/wén kē/Liberal Arts 工商管理/gōng shāng guǎn lǐ/Business management 会计/kuài jì/Accounting 法学/fǎ xué/Law major 申请/shēnqǐng/Apply
中国的学校 Schools in China ②(Intermediate level)
2024年8月29日 02:43
In this episode we are going to talk about【 Order takeout】. ------------------------------------------------ 1st time: listen and catch the words you know alreay, have a guess about the content. 2nd time: look at the text to check if you guessed it right. 3rd time: listen one more time, repeat after it. 4th time: practise until you can speak as the normal speed without looking at the text. ------------------------------------------------ 我的工作很忙,没有时间做饭, wǒ de gōng zuò hěn máng , méi yǒu shí jiān zuò fàn , I'm so busy at work that I don't have time to cook. 所以我经常叫外卖。 suǒ yǐ wǒ jīng cháng jiào wài mài 。 So I often order takeaway. 外卖很方便,半个小时就可以到。 wài mài hěn fāng biàn , bàn gè xiǎo shí jiù kě yǐ dào 。 Takeaway is very convenient, it can arrive in half an hour. 外卖有很多选择, wài mài yǒu hěn duō xuǎn zé , There are many choices for takeaway. 中国菜、日本菜、韩国菜和西餐等等。 zhōng guó cài 、 rì běn cài 、 hán guó cài hé xī cān děng děng 。 Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Western food and so on. 中国菜有辣的、也有不辣的。 zhōng guó cài yǒu là de 、 yě yǒu bú là de 。 Chinese food has spicy and not spicy (food). 有面、饺子、米饭、小吃等等。 yǒu miàn 、 jiǎo zi 、 mǐ fàn 、 xiǎo chī děng děng 。 There are noodles, dumplings, rice, snacks and so on. 除了一日三餐,还可以点下午茶和宵夜。 chú le yí rì sān cān , hái kě yǐ diǎn xià wǔ chá hé xiāo yè 。 In addition to three meals a day, you can also order afternoon tea and late night snacks. 下午茶我喜欢点奶茶和蛋糕。 xià wǔ chá wǒ xǐ huan diǎn nǎi chá hé dàn gāo 。 I like to order milk tea and cake for afternoon tea. 宵夜我喜欢点烧烤。 xiāo yè wǒ xǐ huan diǎn shāo kǎo 。 I like to order barbecue for late night snacks. 中国的外卖又便宜又方便。 zhōng guó de wài mài yòu pián yi yòu fāng biàn 。 Chinese takeout is cheap and convenient. 送外卖的人是外卖员, sòng wài mài de rén shì wài mài yuán , The people who deliver takeaways are delivery men. 他们的工作又忙又累。 tā men de gōng zuò yòu máng yòu lèi 。 They are busy and tired. 很感谢他们! hěn gǎn xiè tā men ! I'm grateful to them!
叫外卖 Order takeout (Beginner)
2024年8月27日 06:33
Elevate Your Career with the Power of "Rise": C(82) Verbs for Professional Growth 🚀 Today’s C(82) Verbs of the Day focus on the concept of "rise" in various professional contexts. These verbs represent key aspects of growth, progress, and overcoming challenges. Let’s explore how they can empower your career. Rip 撕 (Sī) Tear away what no longer serves you. Ripping apart outdated habits or obstacles makes room for innovation. What do you need to remove to grow? Rise (emerge) 崛起 (Juéqǐ) Stand out and position yourself for recognition. How are you emerging as a leader in your field? Rise (increase) 上涨 (Shàngzhǎng) Focus on upward momentum in profits, influence, or skills. What areas of your career need to rise? Rise (stand up) 站起来 (Zhàn qǐlái) Assert yourself and take action. What challenges do you need to rise up to in your career? Rise (objects, feelings, sun) 升起 (Shēngqǐ) Embrace natural growth and upward movement. What are you allowing to rise in your professional life? Why These Verbs Matter These verbs are key to driving your career forward. Whether you’re tearing down barriers, increasing your influence, or standing up for what matters, these actions shape your professional path. Challenge Yourself! 🔹 C(82) Quiz: See how well you can apply these verbs to your career. 🔹 C(82) Vocabulary Flash Cards: Strengthen your command of these dynamic verbs. Book a class with me on Italki, and let’s explore how these verbs can help you rise to new heights in your career. Looking forward to our session. Let’s elevate your success! 🌟
Your Opinion Matters: Which C(82) Verb Best Reflects Your Current Career Focus? 🌟
Rise (emerge) (崛起 Juéqǐ) – I want recognition.
Rise (increase) (上涨 Shàngzhǎng) – I want influence
Rise (stand up) (站起来 Zhàn qǐlái) – Taking action.
Rise (objects) (升起 Shēngqǐ) – Embracing growth.
2 人已做了小测试
2024年8月27日 07:19
Expand Your Professional and Linguistic Horizons with the C(81) Verbs Set 🌟 Rid 摆脱 (Bǎituō) To "rid" oneself of obstacles or outdated practices is crucial in both language learning and professional growth. How are you ridding your routine of inefficiencies? Ride 骑 (Qí) The verb "ride" symbolizes control and direction, whether you’re navigating a challenging project or steering your language learning journey. How do you ride through the ups and downs of your professional life? Ring 响 (Xiǎng) It’s not just about making a sound, but about making an impact—ensuring your voice is heard clearly in any discussion or negotiation. How do you make your words ring true in your professional and linguistic endeavors? Rinse 漂洗 (Piǎoxǐ) To "rinse" is to cleanse and refresh, a metaphor for the ongoing refinement needed in both language mastery and professional work. How often do you rinse your ideas to keep them clear and effective? Risk 冒险 (Màoxiǎn) Embrace the challenges that come your way—whether it’s tackling a difficult language concept or pioneering a new project at work. What risks are you willing to take to achieve excellence? Challenge Yourself! 🔹 C(81) Quiz: Test your understanding of these verbs and see how they apply to your professional and linguistic life. 🔹 C(81) Vocabulary Flash Cards: Quick and effective tools to solidify your grasp of these key verbs. Book a class with me on Italki, and together, let’s explore how these verbs can elevate both your language skills and professional expertise. Let’s rid your path of obstacles, ride through challenges, and take the risks needed for remarkable growth. I’m excited to see how you’ll apply these verbs to your journey. Happy learning! 🌟
Align your work strategy : Which C(81) Verb Best Represents Your Professional Approach? 🌟
Rid (摆脱 Bǎituō) – Clearing away obstacles.
Ride (骑 Qí) – Navigating challenges with control.
Ring (响 Xiǎng) – Making ideas resonate with you.
Risk (冒险 Màoxiǎn) – Taking calculated risks.
1 人已做了小测试
2024年8月26日 07:59
This episode is about 【国产游戏《黑神话:悟空》爆火网络,带火多地文旅】, you will learn how to say 【reproduce, crossover cooperation】 ect. The material helps you get used to different voice and accent. ------------------------------------------------ It is recommended that you study in the following ways: Step 1: Gist listening. Listen to get the main idea. (more times if necessary) Step 2: Read the text to find out words you didn't get, then look up the dictionary. Step 3: Listen and imitate as much as you can without looking at the text. Step 4: Write down what you hear if you want to practise writing. -------------------------------------------------- 男:无论您是否会玩儿游戏哈,想必今天都一定看到了国产游戏《黑神话:悟空》的消息。 女:这个游戏的制作精良呢,其实体现在方方面面。游戏内大量1:1复刻了国内的文物古建。 男:根据不完全的统计,游戏团队在全国精心选取了36个景点作为游戏背景。其中呢,山西的取景地就有27处。 女:游戏上线首天各大在线旅游平台上山西旅游的搜索量就明显地上涨,山西文旅也迅速地跟进,发布了多条宣传视频。在线下呢,还将会发布《黑神话》的旅游专线,策划启动“跟着悟空游山西”等等活动,立志要接住这份泼天的流量。 男:是,不仅是山西,像重庆、浙江等地的文旅账号也纷纷上线了“悟空”大片儿,邀请大家来取景地提前“取经“。 女:实际上呢好的游戏IP哈不仅在游戏圈内火,同时呢也能够成功地破圈。《黑神话:悟空的》火爆也带火了一条文旅发展的新思路,就是经典的IP游戏再加上地方文旅的跨界联动。除此之外呢,这只中国猴子还成功地硬控了海外的网友啊。该游戏一上线迅速成为了多个游戏平台的销量榜首,更在美国、新加坡、泰国、加拿大、巴西等12个国家霸榜。 男:带有浓烈的中国文化特色的IP火爆也是中国文化对外传播的有益尝试。这次中国玩家在国产游戏当中也可以骄傲自豪一把了。 (来源:抖音“中国之声”) ------------------------------------------------ 黑神话:悟空/hēi shén huà : wù kōng/Black Myth:WuKong 制作精良/zhì zuò jīng liáng/Well-made;perfect in workmanship 复刻/fù kè/Reproduce 文物古建/wén wù gǔ jiàn/cultural relics and antiquities 文旅/wén lǚ/cultural tourism 取景地/qǔ jǐng dì/Shooting location 旅游专线/lǚ yóu zhuān xiàn/Tourism special line 策划启动/cè huà qǐ dòng/Plan and launch 泼天的流量/pō tiān de liú liàng/Tremendous traffic 账号/zhàng hào/account 取经/qǔ jīng/go on a pilgrimage for Buddhist scriptures; learn from experience 破圈/pò quān/become widely known outside of fixed circle 跨界联动/kuà jiè lián dòng/crossover cooperation 硬控/yìng kòng/Hard Crowd Control (game terms);captivate;mesmerize 榜首/bǎng shǒu/top of the list 霸榜/bà bǎng/Take the top spot
国产游戏《黑神话:悟空》爆火网络,带火多地文旅 (Advanced level)
2024年8月25日 10:28
In this episode we will talk about 【Schools in China】, you will learn how to say 【education system,undergraduate,college】 ect. ------------------------------------------------ It is recommended that you study in the following ways: Step 1: Gist listening. Listen to get the main idea. (more times if necessary) Step 2: Check the script and learn new words. Step 3: Listen and imitate as much as you can then retell the story. Step 4: Write down what you hear if you want to practise writing. -------------------------------------------------- 大家好,我是Yuli。欢迎收听我的播客。 今天想和大家聊一聊【中国的学校】。 每个国家的教育制度都不太一样,今天我给大家介绍一下中国的情况。小孩子3岁可以开始上幼儿园,3-4岁是小班,4-5岁是中班,5-6岁是大班,6-7岁可以上小学。小学一共六年,小学一年级到六年级。中学包括初中和高中,都是3年,初一、初二、初三,高一、高二和高三。高三有一个很重要的考试,叫做高考。高考的成绩会决定你去上哪一个大学,读什么专业。考上清华北大,也就是清华大学和北京大学是每一个学生的梦想。 那每个学生高考都考一样的试卷吗?教育部会准备几套试卷给每个省选,有一些省会自己出试卷。除了普通的考生,还有一种考生叫高考特长生。他们一般有艺术或者体育的特长,高考分数的要求会低一些。中国的大学分本科和专科,本科一般读四年,专科读三年,一些特别的专业,例如医学专业需要五年。 那是每个中国孩子都能从幼儿园读到大学吗?不是的。在中国现在是九年义务教育,也就是小学六年和初中三年所有学生可以免费上。初中结束的时候有中考,中考的成绩决定你能不能考上高中。一般来说,如果你在好的高中读书,你的高考成绩会更好,更有机会考上好的大学,所以很多家长在初中开始就对孩子的学习成绩很着急。 你可能会问,如果考不上高中,应该怎么办呢?有的学生会选择复读,也就是再读一年初三,再参加一次中考;有的学生选择上职业学校。家庭条件好的学生可能选择出国留学,条件不好的学生只能直接工作。 中国的学校有两个学期,第一学期一般是9月1号开学,12月底开始放寒假;第二学期是2月开学,7月开始放暑假。具体开学和放假的日期每个学校会不太一样。 在你的国家教育制度是什么样的?留言告诉我吧。我们下期见。 ------------------------------------------------ 教育/jiào yù/Education 制度/zhì dù/System 幼儿园/yòu ér yuán/Kindergarten 梦想/mèng xiǎng/Dream 试卷/shì juàn/Test Paper 教育部/jiào yù bù/Ministry of Education 省/shěng/Province 特长/tè cháng/Specialty 艺术/yì shù/Art 本科/běn kē/Undergraduate 专科/zhuān kē/Junior college 义务/yì wù/Compulsory 职业学校/zhí yè xué xiào/Vocational School 家庭条件/jiā tíng tiáo jiàn/Family Conditions 学期/xué qī/Semester 寒假/hán jià/Winter Vacation 暑假/shǔ jià/Summer Vacation 具体/jù tǐ/specific
中国的学校 Schools in China ①(Intermediate level)
2024年8月22日 07:00
Your Italki Daily Language Partner & Vocabulary Language Challenge! These C(77) Verbs of the Day are here to help you reserve your study time, resign from bad habits, and respect your learning process! 🚨 Reserve 预定 (Yùdìng) Resign 辞职 (Cízhí) Respect 尊重 (Zūnzhòng) Respond 回复 (Huífù) Rest 休息 (Xiūxí) Want to challenge yourself further? 🔹 C(77) Quiz: Test your knowledge and boost your confidence! 🔹 C(77) Vocabulary Flash Cards: Quick, fun, and effective for mastering these verbs! 🚨 Book a class with me on Italki and let’s reserve time for your progress, respond to your learning needs, and ensure you get the rest you deserve! These verbs are your keys to success in language learning! Looking forward to our next session. Happy learning!
Your "Rest" is Important! How Do You Prefer to Rest After a Long Study Session? 🌟
Practicing a hobby
Watching a movie or TV show
Taking a short nap
Listening to music or a podcast
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2024年8月21日 07:49