Hester English Coach
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💻English for work 💯English for study & exams 🧭English for life ____________________________________________________________________ ✨☀✨☀✨ Hi there! Here's an exercise based on another very common error (often because of direct translation). Will you get it right?
✨☀✨☀✨ It is important to stop from time to time and take a look around you at all the wonderful things in _____________ ✨☀✨☀✨
the nature
353 han respondido
2 de mar. de 2024 9:00
Correcciones · 2
Este contenido infringe las normas de la comunidad.
3 de mar. de 2024 0:04
Este contenido infringe las normas de la comunidad.
3 de mar. de 2024 0:03
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