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IELTS Speaking myths. We'll 'de-myth' two together! What is a myth anyway? A myth, a symbolic narrative, usually of unknown origin and at least partly traditional, that is especially associated with religious belief. Where do myths come from? Generally speaking a myth is a folklore genre consisting of narratives that play a fundamental role in a society, such as foundational tales or origin myths. Myths also come from 'imagining' what took place and forming an idea of it and then sharing it with others as if it actually took place. Of course it takes place in language learning and in IELTS speaking test. We'll look into 2 myths students generally think about when it comes to IELTS speaking tests, they are: Myth 1 - I have to agree with my examiner’s opinion (if I don't ... ) Myth 2 - My speaking duration was only 9 minutes long (instead of 11-14). (If it is to occur I ...) You can finish the rest. Do you have these kinds of thoughts running through your mind? Generally students say yes, you can be an exception but listen to the podcast just to see what not to do. It's highly recommended. Enjoy your process and I'd love to have an opportunity to assist the development of your spoken English in IELTS speaking or a job interview preparation instead of teaching you the rulles, grammar etc. See you in my classes.
IELTS Speaking myths. We'll 'de-myth' two together!
25 de jul. de 2024 12:00
From a job seeker to a value-giver. How do I be offered a position instead of begging for one? Those who don't listen to this recording may create these kinds of feelings and thoughts in HR managers minds: failure attitude, lack of impression, inability to persuade, lack of sales skills, and continuous doubts. Will you hire a person that gives you these impressions? Can you relate to this statement: "I feel like begging for a job instead of offering my services?". Have you heard people do this? Or even yourself? It seems that they forget they have experience, value, solved cases, success stories, etc. It seems that a job interview process clutters their imagination with 'what has to be done' in a job interview suggested by Google, but they forget who they are and what they stand for. Can you relate to it? It's like your 5–10–20 years of experience don't matter any longer. Why did you throw it away? Why have this attitude, and what can it cause during a job interview? Dive into the recording now and benefit from one of my students, Arina; she was the one that inspired me to record this success secret for you. And when you are ready, apply for my trial class and be accepted for 1-on-1 private coaching right now.
From a job seeker to a value-giver. How do I be offered a position instead of begging for one?
21 de jul. de 2024 14:06
Scary job interview in English or IELTS speaking test... What makes it scary? What is it about yourself that makes you feel inadequate, which makes it scary when you think about your future job interview in English? What skills or qualities do you have that you think aren't enough? Do you lack English vocabulary that you think might run you into the ditch? You do all of this, I know. I teach people like you with families like yours, so I know what is inside your head. And what is inside your head is the topic of today's success in recoding that you DON'T WANT TO MISS ON! I suggest you listen to it several times, as inside it is the KEY that will help you DISCOVER the power that lies within! I wish you luck in discovering it NOW, and I'd love to assist you on your journey. Apply for my private classes now.
Scary Job Interview In English or IELTS speaking test...
20 de jul. de 2024 12:23
Have you wondered what is important in a job interview? How should you speak to HR people? What skills do you illustrate best? What if you start speaking of a wrong thing that will ‘demotivate’ an employer from hiring you? Have you had these thoughts when preparing for a job interview? Most people forget they have value, they stand for something, and they have a character that (if positioned properly, and I help my private students to do that), if positioned properly, you can communicate ‘in a matching’ manner. The job interview process is a science; it takes meticulous research into the ‘unobvious traits that need to be brought up', such as pulling out your beliefs and attitudes as a'sales point’ that can potentially be the defining factor in being hired. In today’s recording, I’ll have you sold on some ideas my CEO students, C-level managers, and vice presidents of companies told me to share with you! J Since I have direct access to these people,. You don’t want to miss this podcast. Apply for my 1-on-1 private job interview training now and be fully prepared for a new chapter of your life.
Soft skills VS Hard skills in a Job Interview.
19 de jul. de 2024 4:09
IELTS speaking or business English storytelling  The topic is advertising. What if there was a tool that could help you'stretch'' your thinking and add more ideas to your head? Would you use it? You already have it! It is called your imagination! But it's quite hard to get it going, especially when it comes to answering IELTS speaking questions. Why? Most students think: I need to have experience so I can speak about it. Are you one of them? If you think this way, you create a blocker for yourself. See, you can't have every experience for every question on the test; therefore, you need to 'tell a white lie' and build up a story that isn't real. At the end of the day, the examiner doesn't check whether your story is real; they care about the content, the structure, the grammar, the pronunciation, the vocabulary, and the fluency to give you a score. Use this logic to come up with non-existing stories (as if you were the main character) and share them as if they were your own! Here are some words that will help you with your story: https://teach.italki.com/vocabulary/974530 Here is my pronunciation of those words to help you improve this skill too: https://www.italki.com/en/post/bavpbUmeFhwc62hkZJtbbR
18 de jul. de 2024 4:51
I want to speak English; this is the wrong goal! Do you want to be more motivated to achieve your English-language-related goals but sometimes feel demotivated? Do you feel the desire to achieve the goals faster but see yourself at a slow pace? And do you believe there are methods to help you? If you'll turn to psychology and look at solutions for your English language-related goals, you'll find something I am here to help you gain—the understanding of secondary gains! In psychology, a secondary gain is when you benefit from a problem. It’s when you receive advantages from unwanted conditions, circumstances, or limitations. In other words, you benefit from not overcoming problems.  It doesn’t mean the problem is positive, but the benefits of having the problem support you in keeping it rather than solving it. Secondary gains are guides to help you get unstuck. They’re an invitation to understand the advantages you receive from retaining problems instead of solving them. In simple terms, you crave attention and accidentally injure yourself. As a result, people care for you. You get what you want (attention), but at the expense of what you don’t want (injury). Is it now clear to you? What are your secondary gains from not following through on your language learning goals that you benefit from? This might be a game-changer for you in learning to communicate in English confidently and fluently. Give it a go and allow yourself some space to think and resolve some uncommon issues. Good luck.
I want to speak English - this is a wrong goal!
16 de jul. de 2024 14:44
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