Whether you are learning English for IELTS, preparing for a job interview (I help in both ways), you need to listen & apply some ideas in this powerful podcast. Have you heard of this psychological problem in the past called inferiority complex? Let me define that for you, in simple terms it's a feeling that you are less important, intelligent, or skillful than other people. In this 15 minute podcast I provide various definitions & examples of my students having this issue. In addition you'll get a bonus, I offered coaching solutions you can apply immediately to heal yourself off this psychological barrier that stands between you and your success in English. Dive deeper into it and become freer on your language & professional improvement journey! After this recording, may you never be the same. See you in my private 1-1 classes.
Inferiority complex (for language learners (IELTS, Interview Preps & English Teachers!).
23 mei 2024 07:16
Today, I want to tell you all about emotional support chickens. It seems that a nursing home here in the UK has been offered chickens by a local school in order to take away the loneliness of it’s residents and help them feel better. Nursing Homes and Care Homes are places where we put older people who cannot look after themselves. It's hoped that the chickens will bring residents a number of benefits. From fostering a sense of community to reducing mental health problems. Now, I'm not sure about you but for me, I'd probably rather have the cash or if there’s perhaps other opportunities, maybe I’d prefer to talk to someone. These chickens don't actually have to be bought, it looks like they were given free to this nursing home. But still, if they're going to give away chickens, I'd rather have the cash.
Emotional Support Chickens (with transcript)
22 mei 2024 07:07
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