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Looking for some language learning advice? Here our italki Teachers and Students share the best tips, tricks or advice for learning a new language.
❤️ Supercharge Your Language Learning with the Power of Gratitude! ❤️ Hey Italki students! 🎓 Ready to turbo-boost your learning? Tune in to the latest episode of my podcast "111 Tips for Learning a Language" and discover the magic of gratitude with Tip 30: Practice Gratitude When Learning a New Language! 🎧 Why Listen? 💖 Gratitude Power 🧘 Stress Buster 💪 Resilience Booster 👥 Connection Magic 🔔 Don't Miss Out! Join me for an inspiring and uplifting episode that will take your language skills to the next level. Click the link to listen now and start practicing gratitude today! 🎙️ Listen Here:
T30 - Practice Gratitude when Learning a New Language
Do you practice gratitude while learning a language?
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2024年7月26日 11:07
IELTS Speaking myths. We'll 'de-myth' two together! What is a myth anyway? A myth, a symbolic narrative, usually of unknown origin and at least partly traditional, that is especially associated with religious belief. Where do myths come from? Generally speaking a myth is a folklore genre consisting of narratives that play a fundamental role in a society, such as foundational tales or origin myths. Myths also come from 'imagining' what took place and forming an idea of it and then sharing it with others as if it actually took place. Of course it takes place in language learning and in IELTS speaking test. We'll look into 2 myths students generally think about when it comes to IELTS speaking tests, they are: Myth 1 - I have to agree with my examiner’s opinion (if I don't ... ) Myth 2 - My speaking duration was only 9 minutes long (instead of 11-14). (If it is to occur I ...) You can finish the rest. Do you have these kinds of thoughts running through your mind? Generally students say yes, you can be an exception but listen to the podcast just to see what not to do. It's highly recommended. Enjoy your process and I'd love to have an opportunity to assist the development of your spoken English in IELTS speaking or a job interview preparation instead of teaching you the rulles, grammar etc. See you in my classes.
IELTS Speaking myths. We'll 'de-myth' two together!
2024年7月25日 12:00
🌟 Boost Your Language Learning with Creative Charts and Infographics! 🌟 Hey Italki students! 🎓 Are you ready to supercharge your learning journey? Tune in to the latest episode of my podcast "111 Tips for Learning a Language" and discover how to make learning more effective and fun with Tip 29: Making Creative Charts and Infographics! 🎧 Why Listen? 📊 In this episode, you’ll learn practical tips on creating eye-catching and informative visuals that will make learning a breeze. Whether you're a beginner or looking to enhance your skills, this tip is perfect for you! 🔔 Don't Miss Out! Join me for an inspiring and educational episode that will take your language learning to the next level. Click the link to listen now and start making your own creative charts and infographics today! Stay motivated, stay creative, and happy learning! 🚀
Tip 29 – Making Creative Charts and Infographics to Learn a Language
An interesting question. How often do you listen to podcasts?
a few times a day
a few times a week
a few times a month
hardly ever
6 人已做了小测试
2024年7月24日 09:19
Passive vs. Active Learning: Which Works Best for Learning a Language? Passive learning and active learning are the two main methods that are often mentioned when learning a language. Let’s break down these methods and see how each can help you. Passive learning is kind of like letting the language casually wash over you. This could be as simple as having the language playing in the background while you do other things or as complex as watching movies or music. It's a relaxed method of getting acclimated to the language's sounds and effortlessly learning a few new words and phrases. The catch? You’re not really working on speaking or writing, which are key to fluency. Active learning, on the other hand, is all about getting involved. Speaking with natives, doing language exercises, or keeping a record of your language learning journey. Although this method is more demanding, it is essential to be able to speak a language confidently in real life. So, which one should you choose? Realistically It’s not about choosing one or the other. A mix of both is usually the best bet. Maybe start your day with a podcast or a show in the language (passive), and then switch to speaking or writing practice with a tutor or language partner later (active). By doing this, you combine the ease of natural language exposure with the effectiveness of hands-on practice. A mix of passive and active learning is super effective for improving your language skills. Passive methods help you absorb the language, and active practice lets you put that knowledge to work.This combo keeps your learning dynamic and more effective.
Which method do you prefer for learning a new language?
Passive Learning
Active learning
A mix of both
I’m still figuring out what works best for me
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2024年7月24日 12:24