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Share your latest language learning achievement! Consistency is important to learning a new language.
How To Positively Influence A Hiring Manager? There are various way you can do so. Here is an answer from internet: "The best way to influence candidates as a recruiter is by effectively communicating the value proposition of the organization, actively listening to their needs and aspirations, building strong relationships, and providing personalized solutions that align with their interests and career goals." IIn my podcast I covered something else - the mental world of yours and what do you do to prepare for the 'project' mentally. Here is an anwer from the internet: "Another tool you can use to mentally prepare is to visualize the interview going well. Instead of picturing yourself not knowing answers to questions or stumbling over your words, take time to imagine answering each question perfectly. Imagine that you are not nervous and your confidence shines to the interviewer." I talk about a different thing instead - the attitude you carry with you about who you are and what you can deliver and from this perspective you speaj/answer recruiter's questions. Dive deeper into my podcast and pick whats relevant, what resonates and what you can use to succeed as its my only intention for you! Good luck.
How To Positively Influence A Hiring Manager?
16 小时前
5 reasons to learn French :-) Learning French can be incredibly rewarding for a variety of reasons: Cultural Enrichment: French is spoken in over 50 countries worldwide and is one of the official languages of many international organizations, such as the United Nations, UNESCO, and the International Red Cross. By learning French, you gain access to a rich tapestry of literature, art, cuisine, and cinema from diverse Francophone cultures around the world. Career Opportunities: French is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, making it a valuable skill in the global job market. Many multinational companies require French-speaking employees for business operations in French-speaking regions, especially in industries like tourism, hospitality, diplomacy, and international relations. Travel: France is one of the world's top tourist destinations, attracting millions of visitors every year to its iconic landmarks, beautiful countryside, and vibrant cities. Knowing French can greatly enhance your travel experience by enabling you to communicate with locals, navigate public transportation, and immerse yourself more fully in the culture. Intellectual Stimulation: Learning a new language challenges your brain and improves cognitive function. French, with its complex grammar and rich vocabulary, provides an excellent mental workout that can enhance memory, problem-solving skills, and creativity. Studies have shown that bilingual individuals have better multitasking abilities and a reduced risk of age-related cognitive decline. Connections and Relationships: Speaking French opens the door to forming connections and friendships with millions of French speakers worldwide. Whether you're conversing with native speakers online, participating in language exchange programs, or joining local French-speaking communities, learning the language can help you build meaningful relationships and broaden your social network both locally and globally.
Are you experiencing any difficulties in learning French? If yes, please write in the comments what difficulties you are encountering.
Grammar rules
I don't speak enough
I am studying but I never remember things
I don't know how to learn it effectively
1 人已做了小测试
2024年4月12日 14:55
2024年4月8日 🇯🇵日本語日記 あまりポストしていなくて、他のフョローするユーザーの投稿を見るたびに変な気持ちになります。 というのは、「なにもしてない!もっと練習しよう!」のような考えが繰り返ります。 つまり、ハロートークであまり投稿しないなら勉強時間が減ってしまうようなことですがいろいろ練習し続けます。 まず、スイスの仕事をする準備を立てるためにドイツ語の勉強に戻ってきました。ハノイに会ったドイツ人の友達からのおすすめは、ドイツ語でハリーポッターを読むことでした。「賢者の石」はキンドルでダウンロードして、もう30%を読みました。日本語より間違いなく早くて、元の作家のスタイルにふさわしいと思います。日本語のバージョンもすごく楽しいですが、特別なオブジェクトを表す漢字が色々あってネイティブのない者にとってし遅くする部分です。 他の読んでいる小説は、先月の始めた本以外に新海誠の「すずめ」の読み始めました。すごく楽なスタイルで書かれて、まだ映画を観なかったことでもとても魅力的な話です!想像世界に陥る主人公のこの物語はたくさんの素敵な思い出と夢のイメージを生かせています。 最後に、日本に帰った友達に手紙を書きました。 芸術みたいな作業で、この手で作ったことにはうれしいと思います。
2024年4月8日 16:41