n) a student
보통 남을 지적하는 것을 싫어하지만 제 학생들의 실수를 고쳐 주려고 노력해요.
I try hard to correct my students’ mistakes even though I generally don’t like correcting others.
v) to welcome
앤디 씨는 저를 보고 환영해 줬어요.
Andy welcomed me when he saw me.
n) transfer (to another school)
어렸을 때 전학을 많이 가서 연락하는 친구가 많이 없어요.
When I was young I transferred schools a lot, so I don’t have many friends I keep in touch with.
n) a freshman
그 선수는 신입생 때부터 실력이 월등했어요.
That athlete has been outstanding since he was a freshman.