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We are now providing tips, learning materials and exercises from our selected teachers to help along your language learning journey.
What are the 2 myths that get students distracted before/in the process of IELTS speaking?? What are your thoughts? The answer will be found below: IELTS Speaking myths. We'll 'de-myth' two together! What is a myth anyway? A myth, a symbolic narrative, usually of unknown origin and at least partly traditional, that is especially associated with religious belief. Where do myths come from? Generally speaking a myth is a folklore genre consisting of narratives that play a fundamental role in a society, such as foundational tales or origin myths. Myths also come from 'imagining' what took place and forming an idea of it and then sharing it with others as if it actually took place. Of course it takes place in language learning and in IELTS speaking test. We'll look into 2 myths students generally think about when it comes to IELTS speaking tests, they are: Myth 1 - I have to agree with my examiner’s opinion (if I don't ... ) Myth 2 - My speaking duration was only 9 minutes long (instead of 11-14). (If it is to occur I ...) You can finish the rest. You can listen to my podcast here: https://www.italki.com/en/post/v18CMsTyVdj6eEKRQgKCFW Do you have these kinds of thoughts running through your mind? Generally students say yes, you can be an exception but listen to the podcast just to see what not to do. It's highly recommended. Enjoy your process and I'd love to have an opportunity to assist the development of your spoken English in IELTS speaking or a job interview preparation instead of teaching you the rulles, grammar etc. See you in my classes.
2024年7月25日 12:37
This is an unusual exercise. It can potentially impact your IELTS speaking score and job interview preparation in English. Do it with painstaking details. Slowly, carefully. I am scared to face a difficult question in the IELTS speaking exam. What can you recommend people who feel this way? What questions can you ask them to assist them? What can you do to 'move' them into a better feeling, a more confident state? What comes to mind when you imagine taking the IELTS test? What do you see yourself doing in this imaginary picture? Are you happy about it? What is missing or wrong with the picture? I hope these questions can help you and leave some clues for you to build yourself up and find your special power, as I did for my student. Here is the recording that can assist you: https://www.italki.com/en/post/EFYeVreUo3ksKsR4wT1VWD If you can't do it yourself, apply for my private coaching now.
2024年7月22日 11:02
Have you wondered what is important in a job interview? How should you speak to HR people? What skills do you illustrate best? What if you start speaking of a wrong thing that will ‘demotivate’ an employer from hiring you? Have you had these thoughts when preparing for a job interview? Most people forget they have value, they stand for something, and they have a character that (if positioned properly, and I help my private students to do that), if positioned properly, you can communicate ‘in a matching’ manner. The job interview process is a science; it takes meticulous research into the ‘unobvious traits that need to be brought up', such as pulling out your beliefs and attitudes as a'sales point’ that can potentially be the defining factor in being hired. In today’s recording, I’ll have you sold on some ideas my CEO students, C-level managers, and vice presidents of companies told me to share with you! J Since I have direct access to these people. https://www.italki.com/en/post/aGxv7BoyfqAYtrcKGoBOJ3 You don’t want to miss this podcast. Apply for my 1-on-1 private job interview training now and be fully prepared for a new chapter of your life.
2024年7月19日 04:10
Three by Sedaris ** Content is suitable for Adults ** B2, C1 by David Sedaris read by me Teacher Alyse Message me for your free pdf copy of this book and if you would like discuss it. I hope you enjoy it. https://www.italki.com/en/teacher/13365914 The Youth in Asia "THAT'S IT," MY MOTHER SAID AFTER HAVING SADIE PUT TO SLEEP. "MY CAT DAYS ARE OVER." In the early sixties, during what my mother referred to as the "tail end of the Lassie years," my parents were given two collies they named Rastus and Duchess. We were living in upstate New York, out in the country, and the dogs were free to race through the forest. They napped in meadows and stood knee-deep in frigid streams, costars in their own private dog-food commercial. According to our father, anyone could tell that the two of them were in love. Late one evening, while lying on a blanket in the garage, Duchess gave birth to a litter of slick, potato-sized puppies. When it looked as though one of them had died, our mother placed the creature in a casserole dish and popped it into the oven, like the witch in "Hänsel and Gretel." "Oh, keep your shirts on," she said. "It's only set on 200. I'm not baking anyone; this is just to keep him warm." The heat revived the sick puppy and left us believing our mother was capable of resurrecting the dead. Faced with the responsibilities of fatherhood, Rastus took off. The puppies were given away, and we moved south, where the heat and humidity worked against a collie's best interests. Duchess's once beautiful coat now hung in ragged patches. Age set in and she limped about the house, clearing rooms with her suffocating farts. When finally, full of worms, she collapsed in the ravine beside our house, we reevaluated our mother's healing powers. The entire animal kingdom was beyond her scope; apparently, she could resurrect only the cute dead.
The Youth in Asia
2024年7月14日 23:55
To stimulate your mind to think more in English - today's questions for you to think, speak & reflect on is: Today's one-minute challenge is to think of people or a person that you feel grateful for. Who is this person? How did you get acquainted with this person? What did they help you with? And what are the consequences of their help? How did your life change as a result? Listen to the recording here: https://www.italki.com/en/post/KXDCULe6oiIrU5ocV0haST Take some time. You can listen to the recording several times to answer the questions. Listen to it. Reading and listening are two modalities (languages of the mind, if you will). Use them both to stimulate your mind differently! And apply for my private 1-on-1 coaching to go from an English learner to a confident English communicator, whether for job interview preparation, an IELTS speaking exam, or improving your business English for a career and promotions. See you in my 1-1 classes.
2024年7月15日 10:46