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A question to non-native Spanish speakers regarding R and RR

I learnt Spanish in an informal way, through speaking, and only during the last years I began to learn the basics - the grammar, and to correct many mistakes I was not aware to them.
One of those mistakes was the pronunciation of the R and the RR: I have always pronounced them in the same way, and didn't notice that for native speakers they have different sounds.
Now to get used to pronounce it correctly is very complicated: before each occurrence I have to remember how it is written, sometimes I'm not sure, and it is impossible to talk fluently in this way.

My question to the non native Spanish speakers:
How did you study to do it:
1. Did you hear how native speakers speak and got used to it?
2. Did you stop before each word till you learnt to do it fluently?
3. Do you, like me, do not distinguish between them?
4. Something else?

Do you have any practical advice for me how get used to it?

Feb 2, 2018 6:48 PM
Comments · 6
Geri, it’s an interesting topic. I never thought that it was such a big issue. How do you pronounce R in your language? Phil’s advice is impressive. My native tongue is Italian and we have both R and RR. I had more problems pronouncing  the C (before E and I) the way they do it in Castilla y León, finally I gave up and say just S.
February 19, 2018
Muchas gracias a todos por sus comentarios: espero que ayuden a mejorar mi acento. :-)
February 22, 2018

I meant


February 20, 2018
I learned Spanish when I was a child in a classroom, but we learned mostly through listening and speaking. Now when I hear "r" or "rr" I can mostly distinguish between them. When I speak, I usually put emphasis on the "rr" and less or no emphasis on "r" and I distinguish between them based on that. Sometimes they are like "b" and "v," where you just don't know, hahaha.
February 20, 2018

אחי, עברתי אצלך בפרופיל וראיתי את הדיון הזה ללא תשובה, ומצאתי שהשאלה מעניין מאוד. י
First of all, you’re not alone — this is probably the number one pronunciation issue faced for non-English native speakers such as you who are learning Spanish.

The Spanish double R really does take some getting used to. In fact, it generally takes more than twice as long for native speakers to master than the other sounds of the language. Regionally, many speakers do not even use the standard double R. In Coastal Latin America, you may hear a pre-aspirated single R, or even (in Puerto Rico) an unvoiced velar fricative. In the highlands, you may hear something similar to the R used in Mandarin or even English.

The best articles I’ve seen on the proper pronunciation of the Spanish double R are here:

February 19, 2018
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