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Learn Japanese with the teacher Shuni.


Professional Teacherid verified
SPEAKS :Japanese

Native in English & Indonesian, TEFL Certified, Completed The Japan Foundation Training Program I’ve experiences in teaching English, Indonesian, and Japanese. Because Japanese isn’t my native language, I often find it easier to explain Japanese grammar instead of English or Indonesian grammar. There are times when a foreigner ask me about an English or Indonesian expression or spelling which I had taken for granted. For example: Does “news” mean “many new things” because it ends with an “s”? Why do you say “the news doesn’t sound good” instead of “the news don’t sound good”? Then, I’d have to look up some sources to be able to answer that the word “news” is plural in form but singular in construction. With Japanese, it’s the other way round. I teach from what I’ve learnt myself.

USD 7.00/trial
Available 21:30 Today
Learn Japanese with the teacher ヒデオ.


Professional Teacherid verified
SPEAKS :Japanese

Tokyo University, scientific method, 3000hours exp./beginner to advanced/grammar & conversation. I am a qualified Japanese teacher with 6 years' experience of teaching all levels in person and online. I have happily helped many people to achieve their dreams in learning language. I love learning and teaching languages to converse with people in the world, Having studied English and other languages intermittently myself, I know how difficult it is to learn a language, so it is a great pleasure to help foreigners learn Japanese. 私は日本語教師の資格を持っており、6年間オンラインと対面式であらゆるレベルの日本語を教えてきました。 これまで多くの方々の語学習得の夢を叶えるお手伝いをしてきました。 世界の人々と会話するために言語を学び、教えることが大好きです、 私自身、英語と他の言語を断続的に勉強した経験があり、言語を学ぶことがいかに難しいか知っています。

USD 19.00/Hour
Available 22:00 Today
Learn Japanese with the teacher Ruko.M.


Professional Teacherid verified
SPEAKS :Japanese

初級から上級まであなたのニーズに合った楽しいレッスン! Fun lessons tailored to your needs, from beginner to advanced levels! シドニーで日本語の面白さに出会い、帰国後日本語学校でグループレッスン(日常会話、ビジネス会話、JLPT対策など)を受け持ち、その後米軍基地内のアメリカンスクールで教え、その後フリーランスとなり、約20年企業を回ってビジネスマンを対象にプライベートレッスンを行ってきました。 I discovered the fun of the Japanese language in Sydney. After returning to Japan, I taught group lessons at a Japanese language school (covering daily conversation, business conversation, JLPT preparation, etc.). Following that, I taught at an American school on a U.S. military base. Later, I became a freelancer, and for about 20 years, I have been offering private lessons to business professionals, traveling to various companies.

USD 10.00/trial
Available 07:30 Tomorrow
Learn Japanese with the teacher Mayumi K.

Mayumi K

Professional Teacherid verified
SPEAKS :Japanese

教育歴19年のプロの日本語教師💛Certified Japanese teacher with 19 years of teaching experience I have been teaching Japanese for about 19 years. I have experience teaching various levels of Japanese, from beginners to advanced students.  I opened a private tutoring school aimed at elementary and junior high school students. As a volunteer, I have also helped children with overseas roots learn Japanese. I have extensive experience teaching children. 私は日本語を約19年教えています。 初級から上級まで様々なレベルの学習者を教えました。 2018年に個別指導の塾を開塾しました。 対象は小学生と中学生です。 また、海外ルーツの子どもたちにボランティアで日本語を教えた経験があります。 お子さんを教える経験も豊富です。

USD 7.00/trial
Available 23:00 Today
Learn Japanese with the teacher Takuya.Y.


Professional Teacherid verified
SPEAKS :Japanese

Certified Japanese teacher🇯🇵資格ありの旅行好きな先生と一緒に、日本語を楽しく勉強しよう! I also love learning new languages ​​and cultures. Language is wonderful because it gives us new ways of seeing the world and new values! I would be happy to share the charm and greatness of the Japanese language with you through my lessons. I look forward to meeting you all! 私自身も新しい言語や文化を学ぶことが大好きです。 言語は、私たちに新しい世界の見え方や価値観を与えてくれる素晴らしいものです! レッスンを通して、日本語の魅力・素晴らしさをみなさんと共有できれば嬉しいです。 みなさんとお会いできるのを楽しみにしています! 昨年、日本語教育能力検定試験に合格しました。 日本語のレッスン、JLPTの試験対策(N1〜N5)、生活日本語などを中心に教えています。 オンラインだけではなく、対面での日本語レッスンも行っています。 ①日本語関連の資格  日本語教育能力検定試験合格(2023年)   ②その他経歴・資格等  大学の教育学部で中学・高校教員免許(保健体育)を取得  岩手県の学童保育で日本語や英語、スポーツを小学生に教える。  オーストラリアのメルボルンに約2年間滞在→Victoria Universityにて、Diploma of Business (Enterprise) を取得

USD 18.00/Hour
Available 00:00 Tomorrow

5 Instant Lesson Teachers

We have teachers ready to have a lesson with you immediately! Find a teacher and start learning.

Professional Teacher

265 Lessons

SPEAKS :Japanese
Chinese (Mandarin)
Experienced and certified Japanese teacher 🌸
trialUSD 10.00
Community Tutor

1,395 Lessons

SPEAKS :Japanese
翻訳の仕事(法律、行政、ビジネス、医療、観光、芸術、文化)をしているので日本語の細かいニュアンスを伝えることができます。以前はホテルで働いていたので丁寧な日本語も教えることができます。特にフランス語圏の方につきましては間違いやすいポイントを知っていますので初級から上級者の方に対応いたします。 J'enseigne souvent le japonais surtout à mes amis francophones. Je connais donc les points dans lesquels les Francophones ont tendance à se tromper. Comme je travaille en tant que traducteur, je peux transmettre les nuances subtiles du japonais. Je peux aussi enseigner le japonais poli grâce à mon expérience dans l’hôtellerie. I have been teaching Japanese on Italki since August. And since I work as a translator, I can explain the subtle nuances of Japanese. I can also teach polite Japanese thanks to my experience in the hotel business.
trialUSD 8.00
Community Tutor

34 Lessons

SPEAKS :Japanese
【English OK!👌】Are you not confident in Japanese? Absolutely fine! 一緒に頑張りましょう!
trialUSD 11.00
Learn Japanese with the teacher Arisa Kuroi.

Arisa Kuroi

Community Tutorid verified
SPEAKS :Japanese

楽しく一緒に日本語を勉強しましょう🍀初級文法クラスはスペイン語話者に提供していますが、フリートーククラスはどなたでも可能です🦋 私のクラスでは、楽しくたくさん話せる環境を提供しています。会話を中心に、自然な日本語を使いながらコミュニケーション力を高めていきましょう。もちろん、各生徒さんのレベルやニーズに合わせて個別のレッスンを組み立てます。あなたの目標に向かって、楽しく、そしてアクティブに日本語を学んでいきましょう! スペイン語は勉強中ですので、完璧ではありませんが、スペイン語を使って教えることが可能です! 私と一緒にチャレンジしながら、日本語を楽しく学びませんか?お会いできるのを楽しみにしています!

USD 8.00/trial
Available 19:00 Today
Learn Japanese with the teacher Yuki.


Community Tutorid verified
SPEAKS :Japanese

日本語で会話のできる中級者以上の方(大人向け) 教科は違いますが、専門学校で2年間講師をしていました。 日本語しか話せないので、日本語で会話ができる方向けのレッスンになります。会話中心のレッスンですが、みなさんの目標・目的に合わせて好きな事や、興味があるものについて話したり、文法などの質問にも答えます。漢字の読み書きなどみなさんのニーズに合わせます。

USD 10.00/Hour
Learn Japanese with the teacher りな LINA.


Community Tutorid verified
SPEAKS :Japanese
Chinese (Mandarin)

私は高校時代にニュージーランドに留学し、今は中国に留学中です。 昔から活発で社交的な性格で、異なる文化や背景を持つ人々と交流し、お互いの価値観を共有することが大好きです。 皆さんも、言語を通して様々な文化に触れ、新しい知識を得る喜びをぜひ体験して下さい! 我高中时去过新西兰留学,现在留学中国。我很活泼、外向,喜欢与不同文化和背景的人交往,互相分享对方的价值观。希望大家都能通过日语接触不同的文化,体验获得新知识的快乐! I went to study in New Zealand when I was in high school, and now I’m studying in China. I am a happy and outgoing person and love to interact with people from different cultures and backgrounds. Lets study Japanese language and experience the cultures and new knowledge!

USD 5.00/trial
Available 04:00 Tomorrow
Learn Japanese with the teacher Yuki.

54 Lessons


Professional Teacherid verified
Test Preparation
SPEAKS :Japanese

👔Interview 📚JLPT N2/N1 😊Daily conversation [Intermediate/Advanced Specialist] 🤝[あなたとわたし] ・あなたと私はBuddy(相棒)です ・毎回のレッスンが楽しみになるようにリラックスした雰囲気を作ります ・学習ノートを作成しあなたと共有します(復習に使えます) ・目標が達成できるまで全力サポート! あなたの夢は何ですか?人は何かに挑戦する時、心が折れそうになる時があります。そんな時は、応援してくれる人が必要です。1人で悩まないで!私はあなたに優しく寄り添う相棒です。行こう!夢の向こうへ!

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher Kayoko Oyoshi.

454 Lessons

Kayoko Oyoshi

Community Tutorid verified
SPEAKS :Japanese

I just started teaching Japanese online recently, and I don't have a Japanese teacher's license, but I've helped many people who were studying Japanese. I hope I can help you to speak Japanese smoothly and more effectively. 私は最近(さいきん)オンラインで日本語を教(おし)え始(はじ)め、日本語教師(にほんごきょうし)の資格(しかく)を持(も)っていませんが今(いま)まで日本語(にほんご)を勉強(べんきょう)している多(おお)くの外国人(がいこくじん)に個人的(こじんてき)にサポートした事(こと)があるので、少(すこ)しでも日本語(にほんご)の会話(かいわ)の練習(れんしゅう)になれば嬉(うれ)しいです。

USD 13.00/trial
Available 01:00 Tomorrow
Learn Japanese with the teacher Yuki.

63 Lessons


Community Tutorid verified
SPEAKS :Japanese

🌸 Let's start your journey to mastering real-life Japanese conversations with Yuki! 🌸 I'm a friendly and experienced Japanese tutor with over 7 years of experience and more than 1,600 lessons taught. I specialize in conversational Japanese, helping students speak naturally and confidently. In my lessons, you'll find a welcoming and comfortable environment where you can practice speaking Japanese. My strength lies in providing ample opportunities for you to speak confidently and naturally. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your skills, I tailor lessons to your needs, including short-term learners preparing for travel to Japan. Let's Learn Together! Book a trial lesson with me, and let's start your journey to mastering real-life Japanese conversations!

USD 10.00/trial
Available 00:00 Tomorrow
Learn Japanese with the teacher ⭐ Ejderha Sato ⭐.

18.4k Lessons

⭐ Ejderha Sato ⭐

Professional Teacherid verified
Test Preparation
SPEAKS :Japanese

Scratch to Advanced, Teach in 🇬🇧, 🇰🇷, 🇯🇵, 23yrs EXP, 53,000 hrs offline and 18,600 hrs online ⭐ Tailored Japanese Lessons in English, Korean, or Basic Spanish/Italian ⭐ Comprehensive Support to Build a Strong Foundation for Mastery. I'm a native Japanese speaker from Nagano in Japan, who is currently living in South Korea. I had moved around a lot in my childhood. This enabled me to acquire not only standard Japanese but also several Japanese dialects. After traveling in Asia and Africa, I realized there are so many languages and cultures in this world. Since then, I have become a language enthusiast. Thus far, I have learned several languages, and this has helped me conduct easy-to-understand and customized classes for students with diverse language backgrounds.

USD 28.00/trial
Available 21:00 Today
Learn Japanese with the teacher かず(kazu).

1,508 Lessons


Professional Teacherid verified
Test Preparation
SPEAKS :Japanese

Certified Japanese language teacher with 11 years of teaching experience. 【日本語全レベル対応】 学習者さんの気持ちをよく考えます。 あなたを勇気づけ、自信が持てるようにレッスンを作ります。 あなたは気持ちよく日本語が話せて、自信がつくでしょう。 外国語としての日本語教育の、専門的な知識が豊富です。 明治大学卒業 日本語教育能力検定試験合格、 日本語教師養成講座420時間修了、 日本語教師歴10年のプロの日本語教師です。

USD 15.00/trial
Available 21:00 Today
Learn Japanese with the teacher Macha.

221 Lessons


Community Tutorid verified
SPEAKS :Japanese

Friendly tutor for everyone! You can master REAL JAPANESE conversations with me! Learning a foreign language can be very difficult. Learning a language becomes more enjoyable when you are into the country and its culture. I myself have had the experience of learning languages, starting with English and then learning other languages as well. When you learn a new language, it is exciting to receive the feeling that your world is gradually expanding inside you! Having lived in Malaysia, I have a good understanding of different cultures and multinational atmospheres. 外国語の学習はとても大変ですよね。 言語の勉強はその国や文化を好きになることでより楽しくなります。 私自身、これまで英語の勉強、他の言語も学習してきた経験があります。 新しい言葉を学んでいくと、自分の中の世界がだんだんと広がっていく感覚がありワクワクしますよね! マレーシアに住んでいたこともあって、異文化・多国籍の雰囲気に理解があります。 僕と一緒に日本語の勉強を頑張りましょうね!!!

USD 8.00/trial
Available 10:30 Today
Learn Japanese with the teacher Karuna.

66 Lessons


Community Tutorid verified
SPEAKS :Japanese

Your bilingual cross-cultural specialist 🌊 Express yourself with nuanced cultural cognizance while staying true to your authentic self 🎋🏮 I focus on facilitating your voice, i.e. student-generated output. This will include journaling/writing assignments and structured speaking challenges, as well as more free-form conversations for upper-beginner+ students who so desire. Above all, our lessons together will be compassionate to both the cultural and linguistic standpoints of a non-native learner. Japanese is a complex but also incredibly flexible language: I can equip you with the most efficient conversational “tricks” that natives use in everyday communication — but won’t skimp on important foundational grammar, either.

USD 7.00/trial
Available 19:00 Today
Learn Japanese with the teacher Yuta K.

124 Lessons

Yuta K

Community Tutorid verified
SPEAKS :Japanese

アニメ、ぶんか、りょこうのはなしをしましょう! にちじょうかいわをおしえることがとくいです。 アニメやマンガをつかったがくしゅうや、にほんをりょこうするときにつかうフレーズをおしえます。 上級者には、日常会話で便利な言い回しやスラングを教えています。日本文化に沿って、日本人にしか理解できない表現方法も教えています。

USD 7.00/trial
Available 00:30 Tomorrow
Learn Japanese with the teacher Yasuko.

728 Lessons


Professional Teacherid verified
SPEAKS :Japanese
Chinese (Mandarin)

AQualified teacher with a lot of teaching experiences. ★I love to learn language, so I want to support people who want to master a language.我喜歡學習語言,所以我想給所有學習日語的人最好的支持。 ★I like to think about giving the best explanation about grammar or give the best advice to improve conversation. 可以想出語法解釋讓學生更容易理解,並提出改善發音的方法 ★I got a master's degree at a university in the U.K., so I can make use of my professional skill to plan Japanese lesson for you.我擁有英國一所研究生院的應用語言學碩士學位。您可以根據自己的目標運用專業知識來組織課程 ★I worked as a high school English teacher for 6 years and after that I worked at a publishing company for about 15 years. So I can teach you business Japanese.大學畢業後,我擔任日本的私立高中英語老師6年,然後在一家教育出版公司工作15年。因此,您也可以教商務中使用的日語。

USD 16.00/trial
Available 23:30 Today
Learn Japanese with the teacher Taka in Japan.

248 Lessons

Taka in Japan

Community Tutorid verified
SPEAKS :Japanese

Learn honorific verbs and modest verbs | Step-by-step lessons on grammar | Personalized corrections 1. I offer four types of lesson, as shown in the menu. I can modify and improve lessons to meet your expectations and requests. Please let me know what in particular and how you want to learn. 2. During and after lessons, I provide personalized corrections and advice to help you improve your skills more rapidly and efficiently. This individualized feedback is a key part of my teaching approach. 3. My lessons go with the textbooks Minna no Nihongo and Genki. If you use textbooks other than these two, please let me know.Even if you don't have textbooks in the initial stages, you can still start your lessons. I've prepared over 50 sets of PowerPoint slides as tutoring materials.

USD 5.00/trial
Available 23:30 Today
Learn Japanese with the teacher Yoshi.

61 Lessons


Professional Teacherid verified
SPEAKS :Japanese
Chinese (Mandarin)

Certified JP Teacher / 4-yrs-Experience / Fluent in English / Business Expertise ★ In 2020, I started teaching Japanese to foreigners in business fields at a community center here in Tokyo. ★ I passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test 日本語教育能力検定試験 in 2021, and from there officially started my teaching career. ★ I completed a training course for teaching Japanese through the use of English, or the indirect method 間接教授法(英語), held by the World Japanese Language Centre (WJLC) in Australia in 2022. ★ Several months ago, I started studying Chinese (standard Mandarin) 中国標準語 and am truly enjoying the leaning process towards an intermediate level right now. It is great fun for sure!

USD 5.00/trial
Available 23:00 Today
Learn Japanese with the teacher Yusuke.

129 Lessons


Community Tutorid verified
SPEAKS :Japanese

Conversation-specific lessons make learning Japanese fun!✨ Lessons in a relaxed atmosphere😊 I have been teaching Japanese since 2023. Before becoming a teacher, I was a software engineer in Tokyo for two years. Before that, I taught math, English, and science to junior high and high school students at a cram school for 4 years. 私(わたし)は2023年(ねん)から日本語教師(にほんごきょうし)をしています。 講師(こうし)になる前(まえ)は2年間(ねんかん)東京(とうきょう)でソフトウェアエンジニアをしていました。 その前(まえ)は塾(じゅく)で中学生(ちゅうがくせい)と高校生(こうこうせい)に数学(すうがく)、英語(えいご)、理科(りか)を4年間(ねんかん)教(おし)えていました。 Learning a foreign language is not easy, but it is important not to be afraid of making mistakes and to have fun while learning. Let's have fun learning Japanese with me. I’ll support you gently! 外国語を学ぶのは簡単ではありませんが、間違えるのを恐れず、楽しみながら学ぶことが大切です。私といっしょに楽しく日本語を学びましょう。優しくサポートします!

USD 5.00/trial
Available 20:00 Today
Your final payment will be made in USD

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