Is it a fact or a lie? Happiness doesn’t need money! Some people especially on media, not on real daily life, emphasize they feel happiness even in poor conditions and money doesn’t bring happiness. Personally I am sure it is a big lie. I know some rich people who aren’t happy because they are sick whereas I know millions health, talented people who aren’t happy because they live in poverty. In my opinion 99.9 % of happiness is certainly depend on money and wealth.
When we feel happy? When we have a home, a car, clean and suitable clothes, enough foods, opportunity to travel, education and do charity activities and so on. All of them need money. In real life our efforts is just to earn more money to feel safety and support our life and family. Lack of money is a main resource of insecurity and worry.
I don’t live in poverty and luckily my economic level consider as middle class of community. But all of my dreams and problems would be accomplish and solve just by money then I surely feel more happiness so surely happiness needs money and wealth.
Some people tell happiness means enjoy drinking a cup of tea or sound of birds. In my opinion they are bullshits. A cup of tea is enjoyable near Niagara Falls or drinking in the corner of a room for years!!! Surely conditions are important.
Can you feel happiness in poor conditions?
Unfortunately I miss Graham to correct my texts. I hope he returns very soon.
Please correct my text. Thanks.

May 12, 2018 1:32 PM
Comments · 13

Charles Kingsley wrote "We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about."

Psychologist Abraham Maslow proposed a "hierarchy of needs" in 1943. The Wikipedia article about it is here:

He proposed five levels: 

1) Physiological needs: Air, food, water, clothing, shelter.

2) Safety needs: Freedom from violence, financial security.

3) Love and belonging: Friends and family.

4) Esteem needs: Respect of peers.

5) Self-actualization: Reaching the highest levels that are possible for you. (I can never think of "self-actualization" without thinking of a US Army recruiting slogan, "Be all you can be.")

Where does "happiness" lie? Somewhere at levels 3, 4, and 5. Certainly, it does not lie at levels 1 and 2. It is a bad joke to say you can be happy if you are starving or in constant danger.

Equally certainly, in a modern society money is needed to get past levels 1 and 2. 

So, a certain base level of money is essential to happiness.

Once you are past level 2, money is  much less important in getting to the higher levels. Wearing expensive clothing--or other visible signs that you are richer than your neighbors--may help you earn the respect of others. But it is not needed, nor is it enough all by itself.

May 12, 2018
I've seen many rich people who are not happy at all. Because it's hard for them to find an honest friends, to know what do they want, as they can buy anything. Maybe after buying a new car their joy will last for a few moments and then emptiness again. Only nice, caring and loving people can share with you a happy moments. And they don't care how much these green papers you have. If I can buy a chocolate ice cream, then things are not so bad :)
May 13, 2018
@Melika, thank you for sharing that text with us. My counter position is that we have been along the way misinformed about happiness; therefore, we continue to live with the lie that happiness is related to some material or physical object. Happiness that is a state of mind should not be put in parallel with a tangible object because of the following reason: some people that were poor have acquired wealth and live a miserable life later on and they end up believing they were cursed; some people who have no wealth spend their whole life living in the state of happiness. Happiness, according to me, is subjective and cannot be found in a universal element because accepting that each and every human being are different makes me believe that we find happiness in the result of our action not in other people's action. 
May 13, 2018
Diary of a gold digger :) 
May 13, 2018

May be I still a student ,I don't agree with your points.The reason is that I think different people have different attitude to face the life.Just like if there are one thousands readers,then there have one thousands Harry Poter.In fact,I have to admited that the life never greatas most people thoughts.In fact,it's terrible.But I always ask myself,why does people live,for what?Finally,I think that the meaning of life is that let you have some different experience.If someone used to feel love,sad,happy,proud,pain,then he is a real man.But what is happiness.I think it will change with time goes by.Of couses,if someone who have lots of money,then he has ability to live a better life.As you say,though someone have lots money they still can't find the happiness.There always some people who can get the things which we can't have easily.But we can fight to catch what we want.During this time,we may very busy and tired.But who care?When we struggle,we are happiness.I don't mean that money is useless,in fact,without money,we can't live.But I also want to say,there are more important things in the word.For example,the time with your family,the time with your friends or with your children.And also some moment which hold your breath.Some happinesses are in our memories.Though a man have too much money when he alive,he can't take them away when he death.In my opinion,when a person alive,he is lucky and happiness.All above are my opinions.

Thank you for your reading.

May 12, 2018
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