Not enough vocabulary to talk about it? I just talk like this

How awkward it is to talk to foreigners about the scenes you can not tell. What should you do? For many students, the biggest problem with the language test is that they can not figure out what to say. At this time they will say "ah", or pretend to cough, do not even say it. Examiner examines whether you can communicate, if you do not speak or made a mistake, it proves you can not communicate. That exam will not pass. 

If you want to go shopping do not know the name of the goods, you go home and not buy? If you meet a friend, suddenly
Can not afford to say how to say a word, just say goodbye turn away? For your native language, words to the mouth can not tell,
Estimated to be expressed in another way, can not say that can exchange without trouble. The same is true for English

My personal experience

I have encountered this problem in Spain. I was driving a car and there was a small hole in the tire, but the tire was not completely deflated. I could add a bit of gas at the service station and then go to the garage. But when I explained to my mechanic that my tire was deflated, he did not seem to understand what I meant by "flat."

"It's round," he replied. " But the tire is still round," he replied.

I can not remember what was answered at that time, he still did not understand and I feel stupid, my face can not explain the tire leakage. So even a small hole, I waited for more than half an hour to let go, he saw a hole.

At that time, I should think of another way to describe the problem. Maybe I should say that the tires should be a little more gas, or to demonstrate the sharp objects poked into the rubber.

What should you do when you can not remember your words? You can not remember the words you are going to use in another language test or in the process of speaking.

比如,车胎瘪了(tyre is flat),你还可以说

“I hear air escaping.” “我听到漏气的声音。”(我听到气逃出来了)

“The tyre has a hole in it.” “车胎上有个洞。”

“It made a loud bang.” “我听到车胎爆了。”

“My car suddenly veered to the side of the road.” “我的车突然到了路的另一边。”

我们希望别人可以懂我们的表达,然后再仔细检查下车胎。想要不用说到那个词儿就 能让对方懂,这真的是一门艺术。解释到词穷,总好过记不起要说的词儿而无比沮 丧。

请注意,以上所有的例子都可以让你猜到发生了什么,我也不用说车胎有洞或者瘪 了。





形容词 adjectives 、副词 adverbs、习语 idioms、明喻 similes、暗喻 metaphors 和近义词 synonym



我们也可以描述其属性 properties 

比如 东西的大小 size、维度 dimensions、形状 shape 和颜色 colour,东西在哪里 where it is,它的材质 material,我们如何使用 how we use it,以及它的类型 type 。 


It is a pet and it meows (it is a cat).

It is metal, makes a loud noise, and delivers things (it is a lorry). 是金属制品,发出响声,可以送东西(是卡车)。
(英式英语里就是 truck.)


第二个例子可能是卡车、汽车、面包车、拖拉机、火车、船、渡船、飞机或者是直升 机(truck, car, van, tractor, train, ship, ferry, aircraft, or helicopter)。也可能是一辆公交 车 bus。 



我们描述的特点对卡车并不是唯一的,可以多描述 些特点,或者找到卡车的独特性,更容易猜到。

 我们可以说它需要人驾驶而且在公路上使用。这样范围缩小了,火车、船和飞机不需 要用到路。也可能是卡车、面包车、公交车、出租车、拖拉机、汽车甚至于是摩托 车。 



下面是描述事物的几个方法: Size 尺寸

 描述事物的尺寸,我们可以说大 big、小 small,很大 huge,很小 tiny,很宽 wide 或者 很窄narrow。我们可以量一量尺寸,譬如一个盒子10cm高15cm宽(10 cm high by 15cm wide.)。 


As big as six football pitches 和6个足球场那么大

It is bigger than a car. 比车大一些 Shape 形状

 当我们描述事物的形状,我们可以说方的 square、圆的 round、三角的 triangular;我们 也可以说长的 long、细的 thin、直的 straight、空心 hollow 的等等。


Colour 颜色

除了最基本的颜色:红、绿和黄,我们也可以说 dark 和 dull、亮 shiny 和 暗 dull,,或者和颜色相关的事物,如肉色 flesh-coloured或者金属色 metallic。


Where is it 哪里

许多我们描述的事物都有地理位置,这一点是很容易察觉的特征。以下是几个 例子:

The biggest city in the USA (New York)美国最大的城市(纽约)

Those racks on the roof of the car (a bike carrier) 车顶上的架子(放自行车的)

The silver thing in the bathroom that water comes out of (tap) 厕所里银色的东西有水从里面流出(水龙头)


What is it made of 材质

一样东西可以有多种材质,以此我们可以识别事物。轮胎的材质是橡胶,车轮 的材质是钢铁。如果你记不起轮胎怎么说,我们可以说橡胶车轮,大部分人会理解我 们。其他常见的材质有金属 metal,、木头 wood、玻璃 glass、塑料 plastic、布
fabric、皮leather、瓷 ceramic 和砖 brick.


What is it used for 用途

这个方法识别物体很快,尤其是范围缩小到两个很相像的物体,可也找不到更 多的细节作为线索。比如一把刀和汤匙。他们大小、材质相同,很亮而且都在厨房可 以找得到。不过刀是用来切食物的,而汤匙是用来喝流质食物的。


What type 类型

The things you describe can be animals, plants, man-made objects, or anything in the world. Just play well, imagine such a ghost, no material, nor animal, plant man-made objects. In fact ghosts are the soul if they really exist.

Here's an example of how to find out the name of an object that you really can not remember.

A big, black and white animal. A big black white animal.

Think about what it may be? Well, depending on where it is, it could be a zebra, a panda, a bear or a cow. Where do we find them? Zebras, in the wild areas of Africa. Panda in the mountains in China. Cows in the farm. We can say that cows are used to produce milk.


Remember to use adjectives

In English, adjectives modify nouns in front of nouns

If an adjective is behind a verb, then it is a descriptive phrase or sentence


There is no plural in adjectives

 "A ten-gallon hat"

10 gallons is a compound adjective, no s at the end. "A million-dollar deal." "A five-year-old boy."


I hope this article can help you mobilize creative thinking, can not remember the name of things, in different ways
Describe things. Even if you really forget, you can communicate without problems!