


假设你在 Widgets ‘R’ Us,一家知名的电脑部件供应商工作。widget是个口语用词,用来指代技术设备上那些你不知道准确名字的小部件。上个月,你从 Acme Components Ltd那里订购了一万个部件,这是家大型的零部件批发公司。可是,至今为止,你只收到了其中的2500件,剩下的7500件却迟迟未交货,这一行为导致你不能准时交货,你必须采取行动。

Friendly Letter 友善的口吻

在第一个情景里,Widgets 'R' Us和Acme Components间有着密切且持久的商业往来,双方公司的代表电话讨论过此事,并友好解决了双方的分歧。下文的范例仅用来记录整理双方在电话里达成的共识,因此,语气有点非正式。

Dear Bob
Re: Order no. 3679

Thanks for taking time to speak to me yesterday. As agreed, I am writing to you to confirm the outcome of our discussion.

I spoke to you about the difficulties we were having in supplying widgets to our retail customers because of your delay in delivering our latest order of components. You mentioned to me that you have now sorted out the problems you had with your suppliers. You went on to say that Acme can ensure that we will receive the outstanding components within three working days.

In view of the delay in delivery, you also agreed that Acme would reduce the overall price of our order by 20% and provide us with an extra 14 days to pay the relevant invoice.

I am pleased that we have been able to resolve our difficulties amicably. If you have any queries on this letter or need to speak to me for any other reason, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thanks again.


Kind regards,
此致 敬礼!


Neutral Letter 中性口吻

在第二个情景里,双方公司之间保持着普通的商业往来,但延迟交货已经对两个公司的关系产生了消极的影响。就此事双方没有通话讨论过,你直接给对方公司的发货部的经理,John Snodgrass,写了邮件。

Dear Mr Snodgrass
Re: Late delivery of order no. 3679

As you may be aware, Acme has failed to deliver 7,500 of the components we ordered. Delivery is now 14 days late. As a result, we are experiencing major problems in meeting pre-existing orders for widgets from our own customers and our commercial reputation is now suffering.

Our companies have enjoyed a mutually beneficial relationship for some time, however, your delay in delivering the latest order is now placing this relationship under severe strain.

In view of the above, we must ask you to deliver the outstanding components within three days of receipt of this letter. We also expect a 30% discount on the price of our order to compensate us for the damage to our commercial reputation caused by the delay. Please confirm your agreement to both of these proposals.


Should you have any queries on the above, please contact our head of procurement, Doug Black, on the number above. We await your prompt response.
如有问题,请和我联系。我是Doug Black,电话如上。期待您的回复。

Yours faithfully,
Widgets 'R' Us



在第三个范例里,延误和因此善生的后果和1,2箱一致。尽管大家电话里讨论过,但问题仍没解决。现在Widgets ‘R’ Us 决定终止和Acme Components的合作关系。他们唯一的目标是尽快让Acme把剩余的部件送到,并适当做出补偿。这封信由Widgets ‘R’ Us 的法律部们,直接发送给Acme Components的总经理,抄送贵司律政署

Dear Sirs
Re: Late delivery of order no. 3679

You agreed to deliver 10,000 widgets by 13 December 2014. On 12 December 2014, we received 2.500 widgets from you. No further widgets have been delivered to date.

We refer you to the telephone conversations between our Mr Black and your Mr Snodgrass of 14 December 2014, 3 January, and 17 January 2015. Despite numerous assurances from Mr Snodgrass, as of today, you have still not delivered the outstanding 7,500 components, in clear breach of your contractual duties. As a result, we now require delivery of the outstanding components within three working days.

Your delay has caused significant damage to our commercial reputation and has resulted in lost orders from our own customers. Consequently, we will pay 50% of your final invoice in respect of the order in question, assuming of course that the outstanding components are delivered within the further three working days we have stipulated


If you fail to make delivery of the outstanding components within three working days, this will result in court proceedings for breach of contract, damages, interest and associated legal costs, to be commenced without further notice.

Kindly acknowledge safe receipt.

Yours faithfully,
Widgets’ R’ Us Ltd

