When making comparisons in Chinese, you'll need to be comfortable using 比. Here are 6 important grammar patterns to and examples to help you.


1. Comparisons using adjectives 


A + 比 + B + 形容词。

A + 比 + B + Adjective.



1. 他 帅。

I am more handsome than he is.


2.葡萄 西瓜 贵。

Grapes are more expensive than watermelons.


3. 汽车 自行车 快。

Cars are faster than bikes.


4. 这个芒果 那个芒果 好吃。

This mango tastes better than that mango.


2. Comparisons using adverbs


A + 比 + B + 动词 + 其他成分。

A + 比 + B + verb + adverbial phrase 


Note that for each example, there is a second grammatically correct ways to express the same thing:

1. 他做饭 我 做得好吃

OR 或者

他做饭做得 好吃

He cooks better than I do.


2. 我 起得

OR 或者

他 起得

He gets up earlier than I do.


3. 香蕉 梨 卖得。  

OR 或者

香蕉 卖得

Bananas cost more than pears do.


3. Describing the difference


If you want to point out the exact difference between two things, you can do it this way:



1. 我的房子 你的 大 四十平方米

My room is 40 square meters bigger than yours.


2. 这条领带 那条领带 贵 40块钱

This scarf is 40 kuai more expensive than that scarf.


3. 我 你 多 两个哥哥

I have 2 more older brothers than you.


4. Describing degree of difference


小的差别,可以使用: “一点儿”。

For a small or slight difference, you can use: 一点儿.

多了 or 得多

大的差别,可以使用: “多了”或者“得多”。

For a greater difference, you can you 多了 or 得多.



1. 这个书包 那个书包 重 一点儿

This backpack is a little heavier than that one.


2. 这辆三轮车 那辆三轮车 新 一点儿

This cart is a little newer than that cart.


3. 这副眼镜 那副眼镜 舒服 多了

这副眼镜 那副眼镜 舒服 得多

This pair of glasses is a lot more comfortable than that pair of glasses.


5. Negations 否定形式

Using 不比 or 没有

Be careful with negations. Pay attention to the use of 不比 or 没有 to determine if one thing is just not more than another or if one thing is less than another.



1. 小李的头发 不比 我的 长。(表示我们的头发一样长。或者我的头发更长。)

Little Li’s hair is no longer than mine.

(This shows that our hair is the same length or than mine is a little longer)


2. 小李的头发 没有 我的 长。(表示我的头发更长)

Little Li’s hair is not as long as mine.

(This shows that my hair is longer)



6. Similarity

A 跟 B …… 一样

A and B are the same.


他的围巾 我的围巾 一样

His scarf is the same as mine.



也可以在“一样”后加上形容词 。

You can also add an adjective after “一样” to show in what way they are the same.




1. 他的围巾 我的围巾 一样长

His scarf is as long as mine.


2. 他 一样懒

He is as lazy as I am.


That's all!  I hope you feel more confident making comparisons in Chinese, and that you had as much fun reading and using 比 as I had writing!
