1. Pulga atrƔs da orelha
It means to have suspicions about something or someone, to be suspicious about a specific fact, or to be ungrateful about a certain fact or revelation.
E.x.: -a minha vizinha anda a tirar tudo de casa, desconfio que vĆ” vender a casa.
-Ah, jƔ estƔs com a pulga atrƔs da orelha!
e.g: -My neighbor is taking everything out of the house, I suspect she's going to sell it
-Ah, you've got the flea behind your ear!
2. LƔgrimas de crocodilo
It is a reference to the false display of a person's emotions, as it is believed that crocodiles do not cry.
Ex.: A Ana tem sempre tudo o que quer dos pais com aquelas lagrimas de crocodilos.
E.g.: Ana always gets everything she wants from her parents with those crocodile tears (fake tears).
3. Engolir sapos
The expression swallowing toads is used when we are forced to tolerate unpleasant things without being able to respond.
Ex.: Esta semana tenho de ir ao casamento da minha prima e nĆ£o quero
E.g.: This week I have to go to my cousin's wedding and I don't want to
4. MemĆ³ria de elefante
It is an expression to refer to people who have a good memory, who do not forget things, and who do not forget things easily. We say this expression because people says that elephants have a great memory.
Ex.: -Lembraste da roupa do teu aniversƔrio do ano 2000?
-Claro que me lembro, tinha um vestido azul e branco.
E.g.: -Do you remember your birthday outfit from 2000?
-Of course, I remember, I was wearing a blue and white dress.
5. Macaquinhos no sĆ³tĆ£o
It means having mistrust or unfounded fears.
Ex.: -Ai amiga, tenho medo que haja um tsunami.
-LĆ” estĆ”s tu com macaquinhos no sotĆ£o, nĆ£o hĆ” tsunamis na SuĆƧa.
E.g.: Oh my friend, I'm afraid there's going to be a tsunami.
-There you are with little monkeys in the attic, there are no tsunamis in Switzerland.
6. A cavalo dado nĆ£o se olha o dente
it means, in general, that when we receive a gift, we should be grateful and show contentment, even if we don't like it.
Ex.: -MĆ£e! NĆ£o gosto do presente da avĆ³.
-NĆ£o reclames, a cavalo dado nĆ£o se olha o dente.
Ex.: -Mom! -Mom! I don't like Grandma's present.
-Don't complain, you can't look at something free or given.
7. Quem nĆ£o tem cĆ£o caƧa com gato
This expression is a metaphor that means that we must go and not give up even without all the conditions and must fix the situation.
Ex.: - NĆ£o tenho a roupa indicada para a festa de Primavera. Deveria de usar um vestido longo e nĆ£o tenho.
-Tens um macacĆ£o comprido, poderias usĆ”-lo e ir mesmo assim.
E.g.: - I don't have the right clothes for the spring party. I should wear a long dress and I don't.
-You have a long jumpsuit, you could wear it and go anyway.
8. CĆ£o que ladra nĆ£o morde
shows that some people threaten with words, but actually do nothing, so it is not necessary to fear them
Ex.: -O meu vizinho odeia as minhas plantas, diz sempre que as vai destruir.
-Oh, tenha calma. CĆ£o que ladra nĆ£o morde.
Eg.: -My neighbor hates my plants, he always says he will destroy them.
-Oh, take it easy. A dog that barks doesn't bite.
9. Tirar o cavalinho da chuva
we want to convey to that person that he loses his illusions, that he does not have hope, and that he gives up on the matter in mind, because it will never come true
Ex.: -MĆ£e! Quero ir Ć DisneyLand Paris no Natal.
-Bem podes tirar o cavalinho da chuva.
Eg.: -Mom! -Mom! I want to go to Disneyland Paris for Christmas.
-Well, you can take your mind off it.
10. Vozes de burro nĆ£o chegam ao cĆ©u
The expression applies to those who wish us harm or to those who say something unfounded or gratuitous with the intention of offending or offending us.
Ex.: - A minha vizinha estĆ” louca, a mulher insulta toda a gente!
- NĆ£o ligues! Vozes de burro nĆ£o chegam ao cĆ©u!
- - My neighbor is mad, the woman insults everyone!
-Don't pay attention! Donkey voices don't reach heaven!
11. Nem que a vaca tussa
It is believed that cows do not cough, so we use this idiom for something that will not happen at all
Ex.: -Hoje vamos fazer parapente!
-NĆ£o vou nem que a vaca tussa!
Eg.: -Today we're going to do paragliding!
-I won't go even if the cow coughs!
12. Burro velho nĆ£o aprende lĆnguas
is a popular expression, meaning intelligence and learning are not possible after a certain age.
Ex.: -AvĆ³ deverias de aprender a fazer surf!
-Ć filho, jĆ” nĆ£o tenho idade para isso. Burro velho nĆ£o aprende lĆnguas.
Eg.: -You should learn to surf, Grandma!
-Oh son, I'm too old for that. Old donkeys can't learn languages.